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Birth-day song of liberty

A paean of glory for the heroes of freedom

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Then the New Earth arose with her bridal adorning,
To meet the New Heaven her young Bridegroom in love,
For their Nuptials prepared on the Mountains of Morning,
Where they both were made one by God's voice from above.
What are centuries of sorrow to Eternities of gladness?
What are sufferings on earth to the bliss of the blest?
But one moment in Heaven would forget all our sadness,
As though we had never known any thing but rest.
In the visions of sleep, in the silent night-watches,
Came this Glory of God which I sing now to thee;
As the Angels sang Shepherds Glad Tidings in snatches,
So I sing now this Beautiful, this Land of the Free.
Then strike the bold harp! &c.