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[My Mind it has been faintly lead]


My Mind it has been faintly lead
Down in the Tombs among the dead,
But on the living now I turn'd,
To view his Paths and where he's bound.


There I upon a Hill behold
Mine Eyes survey'd the boundless World,
I saw all Nature's human race
Move swiftly on towards the Place.


Yonder I saw a num'rous crowd
All marching in this solemn Read,
What steady step their feet did have,
Advancing forward to the Grave.


What countless Millions in the Band,
I saw them come from ev'ry Hand;
All Nature seem'd to move along
With equal speed towards the Tomb.


I saw Death mounted on a Horse,
And riding through this num'rous Host;
His Darts with cruel Death did fly
Commissioned from God on high.


Some he would strike with sickness down
On Beds of languishing and pain,
And others with a mortal Shot
He'd strike them dead upon the spot.


What great Commotions there remains,
Some mourning for the loss of Friends,
Others on Beds of racking Pains
And groaning out expiring Pangs.



Others were drinking with the drunk
Till all their active Powers were sunk,
And some their idle Frolicks have,
Yet all lead forward to the Grave,


But here among the rest I found
A few that follow'd Christ the Lamb;
With Heart and Hand they'd sign'd their names
Chose him their Captain and their King.


I saw some poor convicted youths,
Trembling at God's eternal Truths,
With earnest Prayer they sought to God
To wash them in Christ Jesus Blood.


I saw that little Company
Surrounded with the Enemy,
Satan was arm'd with all his Pow'r
Their precious Souls for to devour.


But Christ the Mediator stood
And plead before the Bar of God.
'Twas for these Souls whom Satan's bound
I spilt my Blood upon the Ground.


Th'almighty Judge he sets them free
From Satan's Chains of slavery.
He takes them in the Arms of Love
And makes them heirs of Heaven above.


But O I saw ten thousand run,
Stupid as stocks they do go on
In the broad Road that leads to Hell,
Where tortured Souls in Torment dwell.


What precious Moments do they waste
To please their sinful carnal Taste?
Forgetful that their Souls must live
Eternally beyond the Grave.


Here they on carnal things do feast
Like dumb, like stupid thoughtless Beasts,
And while on dainty Feasts they dine,
Their precious Souls do strave within.



Alas the Soul that is worth more
Than thousand World of Golden and Ore,
When once 'tis lost and no Relief
My Heart was filled with pain and Grief.


Trembling and sorrow seiz'd me round,
In Prayer I fell upon the Ground.
My Soul addrest God's holy Throne,
To shower his blessed Spirit down.


Almighty God, make bare thine Arm,
Jehovah sound the loud Alarm.
Hell and Damnation is prepar'd
For those that slight God's holy Word.


Shew Sinners their undone Estate;
Their precious Souls now lie at stake;
A few more sinful steps remains
And they'r in everlasting Flames.


Arise dead Souls, and beg of God,
To teach you how to read his Word,
And change your Heart by power Divine
That in your Heart may honor him