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Our Heroes

Patriotic Poems on Men, Women and Sayings of The Negro Race

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Among the sayings of our race,
Suggestive and surprising,
That fills a most exalted place,
Is, “Tell them we are rising.”
The question came from Doctor Roy—
What to the North your greeting?
The answer from a negro boy—
“Tell them that we are rising!”
Within Atlanta's classic halls,
This youth, self-sacrificing,
Wrote high his name upon her walls,
His motto: “We are rising!”
Out in the world he makes his mark,
Danger and fear despising,
E'er soaring upward like the lark,
My Brethren: “We are rising!”
He meets the foe with voice and pen,
With eloquence surprising!
Give us a chance, for we are men!
Most surely we are rising!
Rising to take our place beside
The noble, the aspiring;
With energy and conscious pride,
To the best things, we're rising!


Within the class-room is his place,
Greek, Latin, criticising,
To raise the youthful of his race,
And show the world we're rising!
Go forth, my friend, upon your way,
Each obstacle despising,
Prove by your efforts every day,
To all that we are rising!
In farming, trade and literature,
A people enterprising!
Our churches, schools, and home life pure,
Tell to the world we're rising!

About a score of years since, Dr. Jos. Roy, of the American Missionary Association, on visiting one of their schools in Georgia, asked the children: “What message shall I take from you to the people of the North? An intelligent boy answered promptly: “Tell them that we are rising!” That boy was Richard Wright, of Augusta, Ga., who has since graduated from Atlanta University, ably filled the editorial chair, and is now Principal of the High School, of Augusta, Ga. Indeed, he is “rising!”