University of Virginia Library

Dirty Locks

In America today, very long
hair is usually associated with
permissiveness, promiscuity,
and "dirtiness". Most parents
try to keep their son's hair at
the length which they feel is
appropriate. They will
sometimes say that long hair is
all right if it is neatly combed,
clean, or if it's tied back. Why?

Their wishes may relate to a
desire to restrict their son's
sexuality. But the same father
who worries about the meaning
of his son's long locks has good
reason to fear what his growing
baldness communicates about
his own potency. It is curious
to observe that very few
parents want their son to cut
off all his hair, perhaps because
few parents want their son to
appear celibate.

Parents' desires to control
their son's hair length also
relates to some of the people
and ideas which are associated
with long hair.

Generally, the more creative
function a person performs the
longer is his hair. This includes
artists, writers, and musicians.
Who can forget the older set's
reaction when the Beatles first

appeared or when the Rolling
Stones came out?

People tend to fear some of
the roles associated with long
hair. Remember that
revolutionaries and leftist
groups are usually pictured
with long hair. Parents at times
talk emotionally about the
association between drugs,
moral degeneration, general
irresponsibility and long hair.
"Those dirty hippies" is a
deviling term familiar to most
American homes. In most cases
parents simply don't want their
sons to grow their hair long
because they fear these things
all of which are associated with
this hair style.

On the other hand, short,
neatly trimmed hair represents
authority: President Nixon
personifies this image
perfectly. Or think of how you
picture the typical corporate
executive or a Marine Corps
sergeant – not with bangs and
hair on the shoulders, to be