University of Virginia Library


(The above is an article written by a
former Assistant French Professor at the
University about his semester at the
University of Edinburgh, Scotland. The
professor is Raymond J. Cormier, who, since
returning from Scotland, has become
Associate Professor of French at Temple

Mr. Cormier had a remarkable rapport
with undergraduates while at the University
and was noted for his ability to make students
who had to take a foreign language want to
take a foreign language. Regrettably, the
Department did not see fit to recommend him
for promotion so he found it necessary to
move to Temple.

Accompanying his reflections on
Edinburgh and the Scottish way of life in
general are excerpts from his letter of
resignation from the faculty of the University.
When contacted by The Cavalier Daily,
Department Chairman Lester G. Crocker
stated that he was unable to supply us with
details of Mr. Cormier's departure, except to
say that he "was asked to leave," due to
alleged deficiencies as a teacher of graduate
students. Mr. Cormier has suggested that
departmental politics may have played a
rather large role in his "dismissal." We will
never know the entire story– such is the way
of academic promotions-but no doubt Mr.
Cormier's former students will draw their own
conclusions as to his qualifications as a
teacher and scholar.–Ed.)