University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

I would like to take issue
with Mr. J. Arthur Gorham III
and his comments about our
"Lewd U".

First of all, bully for your
niece –or, rather, your opinion
of her sex life. But let her run
it herself.

I have taken a moment as you
suggested, and I realize that
your veiled threats of
damnation and your
holier-than-thou attitude are
completely unfounded.

Think back to the time you
were in school. Did you go
during Prohibition? If not you,
did someone in your family?
Can you tell me honestly you
didn't take a drink? A lot of us
Virginia Gentlemen–and many
physicians, besides–think that
smoking dope is less hazardous
and more fun than drinking.

Tell us about your school's
and fraternities' fight songs.
Didn't they contain material
relating to the pleasures of
booze and sex?

Lots of people in my
parents' generation have stated
that people at college then
engaged in sex as much as we
do, but it was a much more
private thing. As a result,
people ended up making love
in the back seat of a Dodge
with the doors locked hoping
no one would find them. I
prefer the more relaxed
atmosphere and the greater
honesty of cohabitation. "How
long can obnoxious disc
jockeys continue to play
recordings nationwide extolling
drugs and urging to 'bang the
whole gang?" As long as
people continue to buy them
under the free enterprise

I, and I'm sure many
Virginia Gentlemen (and
Gentlewomen) besides myself,
believe that I'd rather be free
and honest and that this is how
I'll save myself.

Norman Kahn
Coll 2
P.S. Why didn't your niece go
to Sweet Briar?