University of Virginia Library

To The Editor

Confederate Flag Ruling
Blasted As Step Backwards

Dear Sir:

The article in the Wednesday
Editions of the Daily Progress,
September 29, 1971, "Confederate
Flag May Join Dixie" came as no
surprise, since my wife and I were
setting [sic] four seats in front of
this incident, Saturday afternoon,
at the Duke and Virginia football

The hold (sic) incident was most
uncalled for. The student with the
Confederate Flag was enjoying,
what parts of the game any of the
Virginia Rooters could enjoy, until
the Black Radicals, told the student
to take the Confederate Flag out of
the stadium, but he, the student,
did not lose his cool and stood fast.
I heard a city policeman tell the
student, if this flag belongs to you,
you can certainly keep it here.

I must admit, I did not know
that the song Dixie, had been
banned. At that time I must not
have been paying any attention, but
I am paying attention this time and
I am bitterly opposed to the
banning of all flags, even the United
States Flag.

How deplorable our University
of Virginia is becoming every time
the Black Radicals show any signs
of being displeased, the Student
Council, takes a step backwards,
instead of holding your ground.
Like giving a small child a piece of
candy to stop his crying, even
though you know you are wrong.

Just think, you and the Black
Radicals of the University of
Virginia, are our future leaders, of

A. Warren Walton
Scottsville, Virginia

Poodah Papers

Dear Sir:

Re: enclosed ad in the CD,
Thursday, September 30.

We do research. Papers
prepared by staff of experts
on every conceivable subject.
Will tailor to your need. Write
Educational Research Ass.,
126 3rd St. S.F., Washington,
D.C. 20003, - or call 202

I am bothered by your
acceptance of this ad. Does this
express your views on the honor

Jo Anne Hilson
Class of 1969

(The above advertisement was
run as a paid classified ad in
Cavalier Daily of September 30. It
does not express the editorial
opinion of the newspaper. After
conferring with The Honor
Committee concerning the
relationship of the advertisement to
the honor system.
The Cavalier
Daily decided not to run the ad
after that date.


Photo Praised

Dear Sir:

A copy of your paper
(Thursday, Sept. 23) has found its
way into my room here at school
and I thoroughly enjoyed reading
it. In particular, I couldn't get over
the picture by Saxon Holt on your
front page. It was tremendous, who
is that guy? There are times when I
wish that I'd gone to U.Va. instead
of Davidson and seeing that picture
made me regretful again.

Getting to the point, I was
curious as to whether you might be
able to find the glossy of that
particular picture by Saxon Holt. I
would really appreciate it if you
could spare an extra copy to send
down this way. Anything would be

Bill Guerrant
Davidson, N.C.