University of Virginia Library

New Talent

New performers are also
welcome for guest sets on
weekends, subject to a brief
audition with either of the two
entertainment managers. Booking
performers this year are Dee Kysor
Smith, formerly from Sweet Briar,
and Chris Crum, second-year
medical student, both of whom
write and perform their own

Their predecessor. Bob
Crawford, graduated in June and
has gone out to New Mexico to join
a group of former Charlottesville
musicians there. But almost all the
other "regulars" are back this fall,
with new material and old, to carry
on the hospitable, low-keyed Prism

For variety and vitality, new
performers are always in demand,
however. The Steering Committee
extends a standing invitation to
new students and to returning
students who have been working up
material over the summer.
Non-performers who want to
participate in the ambiance as staff
workers are also sought, and are
urged to speak to anyone who
happens to be managing the house
or the concession stand.

The Prism occupies a large
two-story white house just past
Beta Bridge and Westminster
Presbyterian Church on Rugby
Road, a few hundred steps north of
the Rotunda traffic light. The
Steering Committee is a
self-perpetuating board presently
consisting of students, faculty,
clergy and Charlottesville residents.