University of Virginia Library


People having debts w/ Ski Team
must leave vouchers in Box 91x of
Newcomb Hall by May 7.

WANTED: Student, knowledgeable
about bicycles, and with small
amount of capital, to sell Peugeot,
Ge, Anquetil and Atala bikes
for me in Charlottesville area, esp.
near campus. Write or call: Watson
Morris, 425 West Cameron Avenue.
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514. (919)
967-4738. Large commission.

Wanted - ironing to do in home -
Call Mrs. Massie - will work out
price with you. 295-3546.

16mm. Bell & Howell movie camera
& 8 lenses. $400 or best offer.

Camera Center: Studio - Passports
& identifications - 913 W. Main -

Typing Wanted at home - Thesis.
Dissertations, Law Papers, etc.
Papers Proofread after typed.
Telephone: 973-6053.