University of Virginia Library

Other Three Whores

Of the other prostitutes,
Susan Hardwicke, Lindanne Bethel,
and Cheryl Bradt are three good
reasons for patronizing a brothel.
Kent Beyer handles his two roles
well and, as the two lovers, Charlie
Jarvis performs his chores capably
while Barb Bishop is perhaps the
only weak link in the cast. Oh yes,
and credit J. Craig Johnson with
designing an adaptable and very
serviceable set, and Miss Mease and
the musicians for effectively
underscoring much of the play with

It's a good effort, a talented
effort, and at times it works. But
too often it's a case of trying to
disguise tedium and learning that,
like washing garbage, it really can't
be done.

("The Balcony" is being
presented nightly through Saturday
in Minor Hall. Call 924-3051 for

— Ed.)