University of Virginia Library


We left the meeting with Mr.
Miller with justifiable
disappointment, but at least wiser
in the ways of world for our visit to
Richmond. We would know better
than to expect to find a
sympathetic ear when the actions
of law enforcement officials were
being questioned.

Neither the University of
Virginia, the State Police, nor the
people of this State need a bill
which authorizes the kind of
abusive action that this new bill
does. The type of legislation that is
needed will provide more money
for the University to improve the
library, add classroom space, hire
more teachers, build more
dormitories and so forth. If the
legislature is so concerned about
the police, how about giving them
more modern training? It was only
recently that training movies made
during the days of Joe McCarthy
were discarded. Repressive
legislation with no constructive
purpose isn't going to prevent
another outbreak if the conditions
warrant it.