University of Virginia Library

Appealing Rosemary

The others, except for Michael
O'Dare who terribly overplays the
personnel head, do fine jobs. Pretty
Sharman Harper makes an
appealing Rosemary for Finch to
fall in love with, and Patrick Stoner
has a field day with the role of the
boss' spoiled nephew, Bud Frump.
Russell Gustafson as big boss J.B.
Biggley could hardly do better, and
his singing of his college fight song,
"Grand Old Ivy," with Mr. Harper
is the high point of the evening.
Joyce Stoner turns in a delightful
characterization of that
"bubbleheaded tomato" Hedy
LaRue, and Ann Ault and the rest
handle their chores efficiently.

Despite a few verbal miscues on
opening night, a piano which has
seen its better days, and Mr.
Harper's incomplete portrayal of
Finch, it's a fun evening which I
unhesitatingly recommend. The
Albemarle Playhouse must have
their own book on how to succeed,
for they have done just that.

("How to Succeed in Business
Without Really Trying" will be
presented nightly Wednesdays
through Saturdays. Call 296-0111
for reservations.
