University of Virginia Library

A Letter

Two weeks later (to the day), I
received a letter saying that I could
inspect the upstairs rooms. When I
arrived, this same woman escorted
me up. I told her that I wished to
look at the rooms at my leisure, but
she would not allow me to do so.
Nor would she allow me to touch
anything, either to open any of the
dresser drawers or to touch any of
the books lying on one of the

The outcome was, as you might
well expect, that I found nothing.
Yet, my curiosity was aroused all
the more. For almost a week I
brooded over that abortive
investigation. Then, a very strange
thing happened. I received through
the mail a very unusual letter. It
was addressed to me at my home
address and the letter and envelope
were both addressed by hand. I am
reprinting the letter (or perhaps I
should say note) in its entirety.

Dear Professor,

I know of your interest. Meet
me at Cabell Hall (front entrance 9
P.M., Thursday.

(Signed) One who can help you