University of Virginia Library

Riotous Indignities

To wit, in 1822, after the new
University had suffered riotous
indignities "animated by wine",
Jefferson wrote, "The article of
discipline is the most difficult in
American education ... I look to it
with dismay in our institution, as a
breaker ahead, which I am far from
confident we shall be able to

Within twenty years Jefferson's
most dire premonitions were
over-fullfilled, yet we are today
asked to believe that the legendary
murderous rabble of the 1840's,
stricken of conscience and weary of
pillage, suddenly discovered
(perhaps it was 'the right sort' of
murderous rabble) that it possessed
(you guessed it) Platonic Honor.

Thus nobly inspired, The
System has nevertheless been
subject to problems through the
ages. Among the more serious of
these, as the Corner merchants will
attest (off the record) is that it
doesn't work.