University of Virginia Library

Patrons, Not Customers

The store seems to have a very
personal air about it due, perhaps,
to the fact that the clientele are
treated more as patrons rather than
mere customers. Prints And paintings
stacked up against the wall
waiting to be framed are tagged
with such owner's names as Mrs.
William Faulkner And others equally
as impressive but which Mr.
Freeman is reluctant to enumerate
lest he slight other famous And
faithful customers by inadvertently
leaving them out.

The University has benefited
greatly from Victorius's business
sense And knack for acquiring prints
And books of value. His vast collection
of works on evolution, among
which are rare volumes by
Hutton, Chambers, LaMark, Spencer
And Darwin, was donated to the
Alderman Library. The University
law school was the recipient of a
collection of prints (worth over
$35,000) dealing with the law, a
gift donated in memory of Mrs.
Victorius. The University Hospital
has been given numerous framed
prints to hang in its psychiatric
department And mental health And
children's clinics.