University of Virginia Library

University Orchestra
Makes Season Debut


The University Orchestra will
open its 1969-70 season with a free
concert in Cabell Hall Auditorium
Friday evening, November 14 at
8:30. The performance marks the
debut of the Orchestra under its
new conductor, Joel Lazar,
Assistant Professor of Music. It will
also be the first independent
concert by the University Orchestra
since 1963, although the group has
accompanied the Glee Club in
concerts during the past three

Opening with Mendelssohn's
"Fingal's Cave" overture, the
program will continue with the
Suite from ure's incidental music
to "Peeas et Melisande." After
intermission, the concert will
conclude with Haydn's "Symphony
No. 99, in E-flat major."

Membership in the Orchestra is
open to all qualified musicians from
the area. Consequently the
personnel consists of members of
the Charlottesville community,
adults and students alike, as well as
University faculty and students,
along with their wives and children.

Mr. Lazar brings to the
Orchestra and to the community
extensive experience as a
conductor. A graduate of Harvard,
he has studied with Izler Solomon,
Richard Burgin and Walter
Suskind While a student, he served
as conductor of the Bach Society
Orchestra and the Civic Symphony
of Boston. Prior to his appointment
to the University of Virginia
faculty, Mr. Lazar taught at New
York University, where he was
conductor of the University Heights
Orchestra. In 1965, he founded the
Cantabrigia Orchestra of the
Harvard Summer School and
continues to conduct this group
during the summer.