University of Virginia Library

Wake Up Liberal

With the exception of Steve Hayes, who
deserves liberal support, the Caucus candidates
promise what they always
promised...and can be expected, as usual,
not to deliver it. It is time for the liberal to
wake up and vote his beliefs, and that means
voting for a clear-cut ideology. That means
voting for the VPP (One warning: the VPP's
Gardner is Tom Gardner).

In short, this election is important. It is
so important that it deserves to be thought
about and participated in. Though Rapier
originated the satirical Student Council
election poster last year, and though I had a
good laugh with the "Liquifactionists," I
can only beg the "alienated" liberals not to
throw their votes away because he thinks
the Council is a farce. It may have been a
farce in the past; it may be a farce at
present. But if the Progressive Party is given
a mandate, liberalism will begin to bring