University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

Student Questions University Policy

Dear Sir:

This letter is being written in
order that I might have information
on a vital issue and that
some fruitful discussion might be
provoked by the responses that
would be received. My main question
is-What is the racial policy
of the University of Virginia? Perhaps
this question could best be
answered by responding to the
following questions:

1. On recruitment of students.
Does the University actively recruit
students in predominantly
Negro high schools and colleges?
The lack of Negro students here
at the University would seem to
indicate that such is not the case
Here I do not mean the super
athlete-scholar who can take his
pick of any number of schools.

2. On housing. In off campus
housing for students and for dates
is a non-discriminatory pledge required
of landlords before their
lodging is put on the list of approved
housing? In University
housing are Negro students assigned
on the basis of race?

3. Is the University an equal
opportunity employer? Does the
University have a policy of buying
only equal opportunity employers?
Does the University allow only
equal opportunity employers to
recruit students on the University

I do not ask these questions
for my own information only, but
rather to see if the University
of which I am a part is cognizant
of its moral force and responsibility
to the community and its own
students. If it is found that the
University has abdicated in this
regard, it would be hoped that
the University students would help
it back to the proper path.

John C. Broadburst, Jr.
Graduate A&S

Daytona Welcome

Dear Sir:

I was rather amused by your
anonymous staff writer's observations
of our school, which struck
me as somewhat accurate for an
outsider's impressions (Oct. 26th
issue, p.2). Let me hereby simply
reassert the notion that our student
body is hospitable and always glad
to socialize with members of the
outside world. Do come by if you
visit Daytona, and say hello.

Angel Castillo, Jr.
Student Body President, '67
Stetson University

Real Replies

Dear Sir:

Mr. John D. Kwapisz (.?)
obviously is Miss Flora Johnson's
self-appointed public defender, but
in attacking my recent letter as
both fallacious and-in some way-dishonorable,
he presumes too

First, Miss Johnson did say in
Newcomb Hall in the presence of
several witnesses that "I would
like to try out for some Players'
productions this year, but after I
write my first review, I don't think
I'll be too welcome at Minor Hall."
This statement was made-as I
said-several days prior to the
opening of the first production.
She elaborated; I shall not. I did
hear her. Perhaps, as her "escort,"
Mr. Kwapisz does not share all
Miss Johnson's confidences.

In his letter, however, Mr.
Kwapisz does make erroneous
statements. Miss Johnson is not a
former member of the Virginia
Players. She has appeared in productions,
but she has never been
voted into membership of the
Players' Organization, which is
another thing entirely. My letter
was motivated by a sense of fair-play,
not a fear of competition,
as Mr. Kwapisz suggests. As for
that fear, I couldn't be bothered.

Rather than take more space in
The Cavalier Daily, Mr. Kwapisz
may offer his apologies to me
personally at 5 West Range where
I am at home between 4 and 6

Jere Real

Painting's History?

Dear Sir:

Do you or any readers know
the story behind a painting that
stands in Old Cabell just above the
Cave? It is inscribed "Mr. Augustus
Bedloe contemplating the venomous
vernacular (?) sangsue (?)
of Charlottesville," and has intrigued
me for some time now.

Rowe Portis

Graduate A&S

Readers' comments are welcomed.—Ed.

A Legal Point

Dear Sir:

Congress has not declared war
against the people of North Vietnam
or anyone else recently. Those
persons who consider this legal
point irrelevant are apt to accuse
dissenters of American policy
abroad of giving aid and comfort
to "the enemy." The American
people, as a unified group, do not
have any enemies unless and until
Congress declares war, and those
who consider this legal point irrelevant
are in error.

Glenn Winstead
Medicine 2

Doesn't Like Ad

Dear Sir:

I am disappointed to note the
reappearance of Equitable Life
Assurance personnel advertisements
in the pages of The Cavalier
Daily. These advertisements
are offensive to the humanistic
values of a University; the ethic
implicit in these silly cartoons is
repulsive and pathetic. I hope that
your per can find a suitable alternative
source of revenue as soon
as possible.

Michael Kenny
Graduate Anthropology 2

Conservative Side

Dear Sir:

Has anyone noticed that in this
intellectual community there is no
place one may purchase an intellectual
or artistic journal (other
than the homegrown Virginia
Quarterly) and yet the local merchants
carry more tabloids and
girlie magazines than a Times
Square newsstand.

I feel sure that the student
body of a University with as much
"class" as U. Va. claims for itself
would purchase, perhaps the
Chicago Review (even though
Chicago is miles away) occasionally
enough to preserve the poor
booksellers from bankruptcy.

Why doesn't the Cavalier Daily
use its public voice to influence
some action in this area?

Robert Rickert
Graduate English