University of Virginia Library

Label Drugs

His solution would be to put
a warning on the label and then
letting the people decide whether
they want to take drugs.

But the government doesn't want
people to get high, maintained Mr.
Leery. The reason is that people
turned on will not compete, fight,
or make good social robots. Alcohol
is "Big Brother's" favorite

Before the discussion groups,
Leery answered several questions
very quickly. He called methedrine
"one of the most dangerous drugs
ever invented," one which doesn't
expand consciousness but only
speeds up the chess game of life.
He asserted that 99 per cent of
all LSD freak outs were caused
by the confusion of the people
around the user.

When asked to define love, he
stated that it was very complex
and made of many things some of
which are "space and time
shared," a "contact at many levels
of consciousness," or simply "allowing
the other person to do his
own thing."

Questions in the discussion
groups centered around Mr.
Leary's belief that there should be
no control for LSD or other conscious-expanding
drugs because he
had ultimate faith in the nervous
system. He stated that his personal
unwillingness to give LSD to someone
whom he thought might have
a bad trip was a failing in himself.
It showed he lacked enough
trust and love to see them
through the trip.

The beaded guru was gone as
quickly as he arrived eager to talk
to the next group of students.
As he left he turned around, hands
clasped together, and bowed,
saying. "Namasthe." ("I salute
the God within you.")

Next: What other experts had
to say at the conference.