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Dictionary of the History of Ideas

Studies of Selected Pivotal Ideas

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The text of the 1277 condemnation is found in H. Denifle
and A. Chatelain, Chartularium universitatis pariensus
(Paris, 1889), I, 543-55. See also: W. Bentzendörfer, Die
Lehre von der zweifachen Wahrheit bei Petrus Pomponatius

(Tübingen, 1919). G. Di Napoli, L'Immortalità dell'anima
nel Rinascimento
(Turin, 1963). Pierre Duhem, Système du
Vol. V (Paris, 1954). É. Gilson, “La doctrine de la
double vérité,” Études de philosophie médiévale (Strasbourg,
1921), pp. 51-69; idem, History of Christian Philosophy in
the Middle Ages
(New York, 1955). T. Gregory, “Discussioni
sulla 'doppia verità,'” Cultura e Scuola, 2 (1962), 99-106.
P. O. Kristeller, “Paduan Averroism and Alexandrism in the
Light of Recent Studies,” Atti del XII Congresso Inter-
nazionale di Filosofia,
9 (1960), 147-55. S. MacClintock,
Perversity and Error: Studies on the “Averroist” John of
(Bloomington, Ind., 1956). A. Maier, Studien zur
Naturphilosophie der Spätscholastik,
Vol. I: DieVorläufer
Galileis im 14 Jahrundert
(Rome, 1949), 279-99; Vol. IV:
Metaphysische Hintergrunde der spätscholastischen Natur-
(Rome, 1955), 3-45. A. Maurer, “Between Rea-
son and Faith: Siger of Brabant and Pomponazzi on the
Magic Arts,” Medieval Studies, 18 (1956), 1-18. J. P. Muller,
“Philosophie et foi chez Siger de Brabant: La Théorie de
la double vérité,” Studia anselmiana, 7-8 (1938), 35-50. B.
Nardi, Studi su Pomponazzi (Florence, 1965). A. Pacchi, “Sul
Commento al 'De anima' de G. di Jandun, IV: La Questione
della Doppia Verità,” Rivista critica di storia della filosofia,
15 (1960), 354-75. M. Pine, “Pietro Pomponazzi and the
Problem of Double Truth,” Journal of the History of Ideas,
29 (1968), 163-76. L. Thorndike, A History of Magic and
Experimental Science,
Vol. IV (New York, 1934), 64-79; Vol.
V (New York, 1941), 94-110. F. Van Steenberghen, Siger
de Brabant
(Brussels, 1938); idem, Aristotle in the West
(Louvain, 1955); idem, la Philosophie au XIIIe siècle
(Louvain, 1966).


[See also Astrology; Certainty; Creation; Death and Im-
mortality; Dualism; God.]