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2. Chapter II.—Mabel.

Mabel Tucker was an orphan. Her father, Dan
Tucker, was run over one day by a train of cars,
though he needn't have been, for the kind-hearted
engineer told him to Git Out of the Way.

Mabel early manifested a marked inclination for
the millinery business, and at the time we introduce
her to our readers she was Chief Engineer of a
Millinery Shop and Boss of a Sewing Machine.

Philander Reed loved Mabel Tucker, and Ever of
her was Fondly Dreaming; and she used to say,
“Will you love me Then as Now!” to which he
would answer that he would, and without the written
consent of his parents.

She sat in the parlor of the Cot where she was
Born, one Summer's eve, with pensive thought, when
Somebody came Knocking at the Door. It was
Philander. Fond Embrace and things. Thrilling
emotions. P. very pale and shaky in the legs. Also,

“Where hast thou been?” she said. “Hast been
gathering shells from youth to age, and then leaving


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them like a che-eild? Why this tremors? Why
these Sadfulness?”

“Mabeyuel!” he cried, “Mabeyuel! They've
Drafted me into the Army!”

An Orderly Seargeant now appears and says,
“Come, Philander, let's be a marching;” and he tore
her from his embrace (P's) and marched the conscript
to the Examining Surgeon's office.

Mabel fainted in two places. It was worse than
Brothers Fainting at the Door.