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Virginia, 1492-1892

a brief review of the discovery of the continent of North America, with a history of the executives of the colony and of the commonwealth of Virginia in two parts

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Page 46



IX. Lieutenant-General

IX. May, 1610, to June 10, 1610.

Sir Thomas Gates was born at Colyford, in Colyton
Parish, Devonshire. He was one of the first petitioners for
royal license to colonize America, and was an incorporator of
the first charter, April 10, 1606. When Lord De la Warr
was created Governor and Captain-General for life, in May,
1609, Sir Thomas Gates, with Newport and Sir George
Somers, was authorized to administer the affairs of the Colony
until the coming of Lord De la Warr. He accordingly
assumed command on his arrival in May, 1610, and prevented
the burning of Jamestown by the desperate colonists. But
having consulted with Sir George Somers, Captain Newport,
and the Council of the former government, they determined
to abandon the country. This was prevented by the providential
appearing of Lord De la Warr, who at once, June
10, 1610, assumed the reins of government. Sir Thomas
Gates left Virginia, July, 1610, but returned again in May,
1611. He remained nearly three years, and went back to
England in April, 1614.