University of Virginia Library


The Chancellor proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that the following members of the faculty of Mary Washington College be and they are hereby
granted leaves of absence

Miss Rosemary Herman, Assistant Professor of Modern Foreign Languages, for one year, effective
1 September 1962, without pay, to do graduate study, on a Danforth Grant, at the University
of Wisconsin.

Mr. Thomas L. Johnson, Assistant Professor of Biology, for the 1962-1963 session, with
half-pay, to complete work on his doctorate at the University of Virginia.

Mr. Libero M. Renzulli, Jr., Instructor in History, for the 1962-1963 session, without pay,
to accept a Research Fellowship from the Henry L. and Grace Doherty Charitable Foundation, Inc.,
to conduct a study on the political effects of the Italian and German immigration in Argentina.