University of Virginia Library



The following resolution was adopted

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty of Mary
Washington College

Miss Natalie Eva Nason as Acting Associate Professor of Geography for the second
semester only of the 1958-59 session, at a salary of $2,750 for the semester.

Mrs. Cornelia Davidson Oliver as Instructor in Art (part-time) for the second
semester of the 1958-59 session, at a salary of $300 per month.

Miss Janet Adelaide Thomas as Instructor in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation
for the second semester of the 1958-59 session, at a salary of $2,200 for the semester


Chancellor Simpson announced to the Board the retirement of Mrs. Frances Ramey Mooney,
Associate Professor of Social Science, as of 1 February 1959. Mrs. Mooney has served on
the faculty of the College since 1929.

The Visitors expressed their high regard for Mrs. Mooney and their gratitude for her
devoted services to the College, and directed the Secretary to record in the permanent
minutes of the Board and to convey to Mrs. Mooney their good wishes for many years of
happiness in her retirement.


The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the following members of the faculty at Mary Washington College be and they
are hereby granted leaves of absence with half-salary for the session 1959-60, in accordance
with the memorandum regarding Professional Leave of Absence, signed by the Governor on 24
March 1958, and approved by the Board of Visitors on 12 April 1958


Mr. Albert R. Klein, Assistant Professor of Dramatic Arts and Speech, at the University
of Denver, for the completion of his doctorate.

Mr. W. J. Pitman, Assistant Professor of Biology, at Ohio State University, for the
completion of his doctorate


The Chancellor called the attention of the Board to the previous authorization granted to
the College to enter into an agreement with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts to serve as agent
of the Museum for the management of the Gari Melchers Memorial in Fredericksburg until 30 June
1960. The Museum originally requested the College to accept the trusteeship of this property
on a permanent basis. It was felt, however, that it would be better for the College to enter
into an agreement for a temporary period in order to familiarize itself with the responsibilities

At the time the agreement was completed, it was understood that by the spring of 1959 the
College would advise the Museum whether it would be interested in accepting the trusteeship on
a permanent basis. This understanding was reached in order that it might be determined whether
the budget covering this item for the 1960-1962 biennium would be included in the College budget
or continued in the Museum budget.

The Chancellor was of the opinion that it would be to the advantage of both the College and
the community for the College to assume permanent trusteeship of the property. It was his understanding
that the Museum would petition the courts and request a transfer of the trusteeship to
the College on a permanent basis. All expenses occurring as a result of this legal procedure
would be borne by the Museum.

The following resolution was adopted by the Board

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to accept the permanent trusteeship
of the Gari Melchers Memorial from the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and be charged with the
responsibility for executing the terms of the will as set forth in an act of the General Assembly,
and that the budget item for the operation of the Memorial be set apart in the biennial budget
from the operations of the College, subject to the approval of the Governor and the appropriate
legal authorization.


The Chancellor reported the request of the Natural Gas Service Corporation that Mary
Washington College grant the company a right-of-way for the construction of a natural gas line
across that portion of the Brompton property west of U. S. Alternate Route 1, and a portion of
the property east of Alternate Route 1. The proposed right-of-way starts in the southwest and
runs across the property on the east side of Alternate U. S. Route 1 to a point where it intersects
the W. C. Spratt property.

After considerable discussion, the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to enter into a letter agreement
with the Natural Gas Service Corporation for the construction of a six-inch gas main across
the Brompton property on the west side of U. S. Alternate Route 1 and a portion of the property
on the east side of U. S. Alternate Route 1 to a point where it intersects the W. C. Spratt
property, the accurate location of such line and the terms of agreement to be approved by the
College before the letter agreement is signed. This letter agreement shall provide that upon
60 days written notice the Natural Gas Service Corporation, its successors or assigns, shall
remove the pipe line and any buildings or structures erected on the premises or any part or
portion thereof to another location on College property, satisfactory to Mary Washington College,
all at the expense of said corporation.


The Chancellor recalled to the attention of the Board the action taken at its meeting on
13 December 1958 in approving an increase in College fees in the amount of $10 per semester
effective in September 1959. The Chancellor requested that the College be permitted to prorate
the fees effective September 1959 in arriving at the fees to be charged for the summer session
of 1959

The Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to adjust the student college expenses
for the summer session of 1959 as follows

Student Fees 
Student Fees 
Tuition  $ 00.00  $ 85.00 
General fees  85.00  85.00 
Library  5.00  5.00 
Laundry  5.00  5.00 
Infirmary  1.50  1.50 
Student Activity  5.25  5.25 
Board  75.00  75.00 
Room  38.25  38.25 
Total  $ 215.00  $ 300.00 



The Chancellor reported that the College had taken no action on the authorization granted
by the Board to the College at its meeting on 13 December 1958 to enter into an agreement with
the Natural Gas Service Corporation for supplying natural gas as the principal source of fuel
for the central heating plant for the College. This delay had occurred in order to permit a
survey of the source of the air pollution to be completed.

The Chancellor also reported that a communication addressed to The Rector and Visitors
from the State Director of the Budget had been received in which the Director stated his
belief that the change was of such a nature as to make it necessary to obtain the approval of
the Governor before entering into the contract. After considerable discussion, the Secretary
was authorized to address a letter to the State Director of the Budget seeking his assistance
in obtaining the citation of the statutory authorization for the position stated in his


The Chancellor stated that in 1958 a small plot of land in the middle of the College grounds,
which was owned by the Sunshine Laundry in Fredericksburg, was given to Mary Washington Hospital
during a hospital building fund campaign. The property is located on the immediate campus
between the College Dining Hall and the Fine Arts Center. At the request of the Mary Washington
College Committee, appraisals had been obtained on this property. The Chancellor recommended
that the College be authorized to enter into negotiations with Mary Washington Hospital looking
toward the purchase of this property

The following resolution was adopted by the Board

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia
that Mary Washington College be and it is hereby authorized to negotiate with Mary Washington
Hospital for the purchase of approximately one-fourth acre of land located within the College
campus between the Fine Arts Center and the Dining Hall, but more specifically described on a
map of Rowe's Hill, prepared by Cecil Reid, dated 22 October 1909, which map is a part of the
deed of conveyance from Maurice P. Rowe and wife to the State Normal and Industrial School for
Women at Fredericksburg, Virginia, recorded 29 October 1909. The best proposal obtainable
shall be submitted to a future meeting of the Board of Visitors for its decision

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On motion the meeting was then adjourned

Frank Talbott, Jr.
Weldon Cooper