University of Virginia Library


President Darden read to the Board the preliminary draft of a Deed dated November 1st, 1954,
prepared by Mr. Edwin B. Meade, conveying to the University of Virginia Alumni Association a
parcel of land lying on the west side of Emmet Street and the south side of Sprigg Road. After
a discussion in which members requested the elimination of the covenant reference to the
Caucasian race, the Board adopted the following resolution, which had been duly moved and

RESOLVED by The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, that Colgate W. Darden,
Jr., President, and Francis L. Berkeley, Jr., Secretary, be and they are hereby authorized and
directed, upon approval by the Governor of such conveyance as required by Chapter 185 of the
Acts of Assembly of 1954, to execute a deed of conveyance on behalf of The Rector and Visitors
of the University of Virginia, conveying with special warranty of title to the University of
Virginia Alumni Association, in consideration of one ($1.00) dollar, the parcel of land lying
along the west side of Emmet Street and the south side of Sprigg Road, in Charlottesville,
Virginia, more particularly described by metes and bounds by plat of O. R. Randolph, Engineer,
dated July 30, 1954, to be attached to said deed, and being a portion of the property
conveyed to The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, by deed of Colgate W.
Darden, Jr., and others, Trustees, dated Nov. 19, 1949, on record in the Clerk's Office of the
Corporation Court of the City of Charlottesville, in D.B. 148 p.392, provided, however, that the
restrictive covenant contained in the draft of said deed submitted to this meeting, denying
occupation of the land by any person not of the Caucasian race be deleted from the deed that
is executed.