University of Virginia Library


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U.S. Exploring Expedition. 5 vols  $10 00 
Stephens' Travels in Yucatan  5 00 
Stephens' Arabia Pætra and the Holy
5 00 
Commerce of the Prairies. Gregg  2 50 
Norman's Rambles in Yucatan  2 00 
Kendall's Santa Fe Expedition  2 50 
Travels in Germany, China, and India  1 50 
Howitt's Visits to Remarkable Places  1 50 
Harris' Highlands of Ethiopia  1 25 
Jacobs' Scenes in the Pacific  1 25 
Irving's Rocky Mountains  1 00 
The Crescent and the Cross  1 00 
Pilgrimage to Treves  75 
Rural Life in Germany. Wm. Howitt  50 
Jamaica, Past and Present  50 
Headley's Letters from Italy  50 
Baird's Religion in America  50 
American in Paris. Jules Janin  $0 50 
Hawthorne's Journal of an African Cruiser  50 
French in Algiers. Lady Gordon  37½ 
Borrow's Bible in Spain  37½ 
Borrow's Travels in Cabool  25 
Borrow's Zincali  25 
Grant's Ireland and the Irish  25 
Mrs. Poole's Englishwoman in Egypt  25 
Kohl's Travels in Austria  25 
Kohl's Travels Russia  25 
Kohl's Travels Ireland  25 
Dumas' Sketches of Naples  25 
Mrs. Houston's Texas and the Gulf of
Countess Hahn-Hahn's Travels in Sweden  12½ 
Cruise of the Somers  12½ 
American Notes. Dickens  12½