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"Boarding out"

a tale of domestic life


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The Encyclopædia of Domestic Economy, comprising
such Subjects as are immediately connected with House-keeping;
as the Construction of Domestic Edifices, with
the Modes of Warming, Ventilating, and Lighting them;
a Description of the various Articles of Furniture, &c.
Nearly 1000 Engravings. 1 vol. 8vo. Sheep. $3 75.

A work which must speedily be regarded as an indispensable book of
reference to every housekeeper.—Eclectic Review.

It is a perfect repository of all that homely knowledge which is so difficult
to obtain except in the hard school of experience, and yet so needful
for getting on in this matter-of-fact world.—Churchman.

This is decidedly a book for the million: it contains all that precise
kind of information adapted to the use of families, and which one may
seek a long time for in vain elsewhere.—New-York Evening Gazette.

A complete library for every household: a work which every husband
should buy for his wife, and every father for his daughter.—New-York
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