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[1] FRANCIS HENRY SMITH, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D.  Emeritus Professor of Natural Philosophy 
WILLIAM MYNN THORNTON, B.A., LL.D.  Professor of Applied Mathematics 
WILLIAM MINOR LILE, LL.B., LL.D.  James Madison Professor of Law 
WILLIAM HOLDING ECHOLS, B.S., C.E.  Professor of Mathematics 
RICHARD HEATH DABNEY, M.A., Ph.D.  Corcoran Professor of History 
CHARLES ALFRED GRAVES, M.A., LL.B., LL.D.  Professor of Law 
JOHN STAIGE DAVIS, M.A., M.D.  Professor of Practice of Medicine 
[2] RALEIGH COLSTON MINOR, M.A., LL.B.  James Monroe Professor of Law 
RICHARD HENRY WILSON, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Romanic Languages 
JAMES MORRIS PAGE, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Professor of Mathematics 
THOMAS FITZHUGH, M.A.  Professor of Latin 
WILLIAM ALEXANDER LAMBETH, M.D., Ph.D.  Professor of Hygiene 
ALBERT LEFEVRE, B.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Corcoran Professor of Philosophy 
WILLIAM DOUGLAS MACON, B.A., M.D.  Professor of Obstetrics 
THEODORE HOUGH, B.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Physiology and Biochemistry 
STEPHEN HURT WATTS, M.A., M.D.  Professor of Surgery and Gynecology 
THOMAS LEONARD WATSON, M.S., Ph.D.  Corcoran Professor of Geology 
ROBERT MONTGOMERY BIRD, B.A., B.S., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
HALSTED SHIPMAN HEDGES, B.S., M.A., M.D.  Professor of Diseases of the Eye 
HARRY TAYLOR MARSHALL, B.A., M.D.  Walter Reed Professor of Pathology 
ROBERT FRENCH COMPTON, M.D.  Professor of Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat 
WILLIAM MENTZEL FORREST, B.A.  John B. Cary Memorial Professor of Biblical History and Literature 
ARMISTEAD MASON DOBIE, M.A., LL.B., S.J.D.  Professor of Law 
WILLIAM HARRISON FAULKNER, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Germanic Languages 
JOHN LLOYD NEWCOMB, B.A., C.E.  Professor Civil Engineering 
JAMES CARROLL FLIPPIN, M.D.  Professor of Clinical Medicine 
HARVEY ERNEST JORDAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Histology and Embryology 
CHARLES GILMORE MAPHIS  Professor of Education 
ROBERT HENNING WEBB, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Greek 
SAMUEL ALFRED MITCHELL, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Astronomy and Director of the Leander McCormick Observatory 
CHARLES HANCOCK, B.S.  Professor of Mechanical Engineering 
IVEY FOREMAN LEWIS, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.  Miller Professor of Biology and Agriculture 
GEORGE BOARDMAN EAGER, JR., B.A., LL.B.  Professor of Law 
LLEWELYN GRIFFITH HOXTON, B.S., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Physics 
ROBERT BENNETT BEAN, B.S., M.D.  Professor of Anatomy 
JOHN LEVI MANAHAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Educational Administration 
WALTER SHELDON RODMAN, S.M.  Professor of Electrical Engineering 
JAMES ALEXANDER WADDELL, B.A., M. D.  Professor of Pharmacology, Materia Medica and Toxicology 
WILLIAM ALLISON KEPNER, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Biology 
JOHN CALVIN METCALF, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D.  Linden Kent Memorial Professor of English Literature 
GRAHAM EDGAR, B.S., Ph.D.  Professor of Chemistry 
GEORGE OSCAR FERGUSON, JR., M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Psychology and Education 
FISKE KIMBALL, B.A., M.Arch., Ph.D.  Professor of Art and Architecture 
WILLIAM ROYALL SMITHEY, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Secondary Education 
JAMES SOUTHALL WILSON, M.A., Ph.D.  Edgar Allan Poe Professor of English 
ALBERT GEORGE ADAM BALZ, M.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Philosophy 
CARROLL MASON SPARROW, B.A., Ph.D.  Professor of Physics 
ARTHUR FICKENSCHER, Diploma, Royal Conservatory of Munich.  Professor of Music 
CHAPIN JONES, B.A., M.F.  Associate Professor of Forestry 
WILLIAM HALL GOODWIN, B.A., M.D.  Associate Professor of Surgery and Gynecology 
HERMAN PATRICK JOHNSON, M.A., Ph.M.  Associate Professor of English Literature 
GARDNER LLOYD CARTER, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Chemistry 
CHARLES WAKEFIELD PAUL  Associate Professor of Public Speaking 
JAMES COOK BARDIN, M.D.  Associate Professor of Romanic Languages 
JOHN JENNINGS LUCK, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Mathematics 
JOHN HENRY NEFF, B.A., M.D.  Associate Professor of Urology 
W. PATTON GRAHAM, M.A.  Associate Professor of Romanic Languages 
WILLIAM EDWARD BRAY, B.A., M.D.  Associate Professor of Clinical Diagnosis and Director of Clinical Laboratories 
ALBERT WILLIAM GILES, B.A., M.S., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Geology 
TIPTON RAY SNAVELY, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Economics 
ALBERT JULIUS BARLOW, B.A., B.B.A., C.P.A.  Associate Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
CHARLES POLLARD OLIVIER, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Astronomy 
FRANCIS HARRIS ABBOT, M.A.  Associate Professor of French 
CARL CASKIE SPEIDEL, Ph.B., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Anatomy 
BRUCE WILLIAMS, B.S., M.S., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Political Science 
ABRAHAM BERGLUND, B.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
ATCHESON LAUGHLIN HENCH, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of English 
ELBERT ALVIS KINCAID, M.A., Ph.D.  Associate Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
JOHN SEWARD LAWRENCE, B.A., M.D.  Associate Professor of Biochemistry 
JAMES SUGARS McLEMORE, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Latin and Greek 
HAROLD LEE ALDEN, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Astronomy 
[3] JOHN HOWE YOE, M.S., M.A.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
ROBERT GRAHAM WIATT, M.D.  Assistant Professor of Roentgenology 
WILLIAM EDWARD KNIGHT, M.E.  Assistant Professor of Romanic Languages 
ERNEST LINWOOD LEHMAN, M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Romanic Languages and Instructor in Latin 
EDWARD WATTS SAUNDERS, JR., C.E.  Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics 
JAMES SHANNON MILLER, JR., B.A., B.S., E.E.  Assistant Professor of Experimental Engineering 
STANISLAW JOHN MAKIELSKI  Assistant Professor of Art and Architecture 
ALFRED SWAN  Assistant Professor of Music 
JOHN TIPTON LONSDALE, B.A., M.S.  Assistant Professor of Geology 
ROBERT NORTON PEASE, B.S., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
WILLIAM SUMNER APPLETON POTT, M.A.  Assistant Professor of Philosophy 
ARMISTEAD CHURCHILL GORDON, JR., M.A., Ph.D.  Assistant Professor of English 
FREDERICK LYONS BROWN, M.A.  Assistant Professor of Physics 
HARRY CALVIN HAWKINS, B.A., M.B.A.  Assistant Professor of Commerce and Business Administration 
[4] WILLIAM SHIRLEY KEISTER, B.A., M.D.  Assistant Professor of Public Health 
FREDERICK DEAN GOODWIN RIBBLE, M.A., LL.B.  Acting Assistant Professor of Law 
WILLIAM ORR SWAN, M.S., Ph.D.  Acting Assistant Professor of Chemistry 
[5] ORMOND STONE, M.A.  Professor of Practical Astronomy, Retired 
[5] MILTON WYLIE HUMPHREYS, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D.  Professor of Greek, Retired 
[5] ALBERT HENRY TUTTLE, M.S.  Miller Professor of Biology and Agriculture, Retired 
[5] FRANCIS PERRY DUNNINGTON, B.S., C.E., M.E.  Professor of Analytical and Industrial Chemistry, Retired 
[5] HOWARD WINSTON, C.E.  Registrar, Retired 




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Isaac Alexander Bigger, Jr., M.D.  Surgery 
Charles Spurgeon Black, M.A.  Chemistry 
Carter Marshall Braxton, B.A.  Civil Government 
William Edward Brown, M.D.  Phthisiotherapy 
Claude Watson Bruce, B.A.  Physics 
Elmer Irving Carruthers  Accounting 
Preston Banks Carwile, B.A.  Physics 
Theodore Sullivan Cox, B.A., LL.B.  Commerce and Business Administration and Law 
Shields Meek Gooodwin, M.A.  History 
Charles Calhoun Hedges, M.D.  Histology and Embryology 
Frank Helvestine, Jr., M.D.  Bacteriology and Pathology 
Bert Barnet Hershenson, B.S.  Physiology and Biochemistry 
Joseph Thomas Jones, M.D.  Surgery 
Joseph Andrew Kater, E.E.  Physics 
Charles Edward Ashley Knight, B.S.  Spanish 
Charles Rozier Larkin  Physics 
James Holtzclaw McCall  Spanish 
Lee Adrian McCardell  English 
Frank McCutchan, M.A., M.D.  Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 
Henry Beardon Mulholland, M.D.  Medicine 
Benton Brooks Owen, C.E.  Physical Education 
Robert Massie Page, B.S., M.D.  Surgery 
Patton Kimbrough Pierce, B.S., B.A., M.D.  Clinical Medicine 
Thomas Pinckney, Jr.  Latin 
Ernest Carson Ross, M.A.  English 
William Marco Sheppe, M.D.  Bacteriology and Pathology 
Dudley Crawford Smith, B.S., M.D.  Dermatology and Syphilology 
Richard Lee Stallings, B.S.  Spanish 
George Talmadge Starnes, M.A.  Economics 
William Thomas Straley, E.E.  Mathematics 
Louis Francis Voorhees, B.Arch., M.S.Arch  Art and Architecture 
Allen Fiske Voshell, B.A., M.D.  Orthopedic Surgery 
George Saylor Warthen, M.A.  English 
Frederick Virginius Watkins  Physical Education 
Fontaine Allen Wells, B.S.  Mathematics 
Kenneth Sewell Wingfield, E.E., M.E.  Engineering 


Thomas Henry Daniel, M.D.  Medicine 
Edward May Magruder, M.D.  Medicine 
Hugh Thomas Nelson, M.D.  Medicine 
Monte Lewis Rea, M.D.  Pediatrics and Dermatology 


Carroll Wardlaw Griffin, B.S.  Chemistry 
John Albert Morrow, B.A.  Chemistry 
Henry Edwin Shiver, B.S. in Chem.  Chemistry 
Leland A. Stewart, B.S. in Chem.  Chemistry 
Gilbert Ivo Thurmond, M.A.  Chemistry 




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John Ambler  Law 
VanWirt Marshall Andrews, B.A.  Commerce and Business Administration and Law 
John Frank Barker  Biology 
Joseph Russell Branham  Chemistry 
Solomon Brown  Chemistry 
William Hill Brown, Jr.  Economics 
William Sliney Bruner  Chemistry 
John Whitforth Calcott  Engineering 
Frederick Nathaniel Caldwell  Commerce and Business Administration 
Robert Jordan Carner  Spanish 
Edgar Parmele Cardwell  Clinical Diagnosis 
Robert Patrick Carroll  Biology 
George William Cassell  Chemistry 
Moritz Anton Cohen  Engineering 
Edward Bentley Cox  Chemistry 
Arthur Beverly Davies, III, B.S.  Geology 
Thomas Finley Debnam  Commerce and Business Administration 
Albert Benjamin Duncan  Chemistry 
Gessner Harrison Echols  Mathematics 
Sylvia Petrovic Faulkner  Germanic Languages 
Seaborn Jones Flournoy  French 
William Henry Foulk, B.A.  Law 
Aurelius Sydney Furcron  Geology 
Thomas Casper Goodwin  Biology 
Leroy Craum Harman  Engineering and Geology 
Robert Rogers Harmon  Chemistry 
Robert Battaile Hiden, B.A.  Materia Medica 
Frederick Arnold Hoeke  Engineering 
Dwight Lucian Hopkins  Biology 
Edward Franklin Hubbard  Chemistry 
William Barrington Hubbard  Anatomy 
Samuel Spencer Jackson  Biology 
James Wilkinson Jervey, Jr.  Histology and Embryology 
Charles Isaac Johnson, B.S.  Materia Medica 
William Jefferson Judd  Spanish 
James Chappelle Justice  Commerce and Business Administration 
Raymond DeVan Kimbrough  Anatomy 
Oscar Arthur Kirkman, Jr.  Spanish 
Warren Womack Koontz, B.A.  Philosophy 
George Israel Lavin  Chemistry 
Lawrence Haywood Lee, Jr.  English and French 
Randolph Winsborough McGahey  Chemistry 
James Colvin Mallory  Engineering 
Gurney Ervin Miller, Jr.  French 
Harry Carlyle Monroe  Engineering 
Timothy Henry Murphy  Physics 
Leonard Gaston Muse, B.A.  Law 
Lehman Patton Nickell  Economics 
Benton Brooks Owen, C.E.  Mathematics 
Frederick Nash Ogden  Spanish 
Newton Jeffries Painter  Mathematics and Engineering 
Marc Peter, Jr.  French 
Raymond Bennett Pinchbeck, B.S. in Ed.  Economics 
Raymond Brandenburg Purdum  Chemistry 
Isaac Jay Quesenberry, M.A.  English and Philosophy 
William Rogers Quynn  Spanish 
Hall Holloway Ratcliffe  Pharmacology 
Joseph Henry Riddick  English 
Julian Meade Ruffin, B.A.  Mathematics 
Winston Underwood Rutledge  Pharmacology 
Charles Stetzner Schmidling  Biblical History and Literature 
Philip Lightfoot Scruggs  English 
Albert William Shellhorse  Engineering 
Curtis Simpson  Law 
Edmund Addison Smith  Engineering 
William Thomas Smith, Jr.  Chemistry 
Richard Lee Stallings, B.S.  Philosophy 
John Dunham Stewart  Chemistry 
George Gerald Stone, B.A.  Anatomy 
Robert Burrow Torbett  Physics 
Marvin Allen Turpin  Chemistry 
Lyttleton Waddell, M.A.  Philosophy 
Paul Latimer Weir  Engineering 
Harry Lively White, Jr.  Engineering 
Frederick Stattknecht Wight  English 
Thomas Leigh Williams  Engineering 
Thaddeus Braxton Woody  Spanish 

On the Carnegie Foundation.


Absent on leave, 1922-23.


Absent on leave, 1922-23.


Director Joint Public Health Department of Charlottesville, Albemarle County and University
of Virginia.


On the Carnegie Foundation.