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200-201-202. Sophomore Physics. [Sparrow.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

The elements of mechanics, heat, electricity and magnetism, and light. Instruction
is given by lectures, textbooks, recitations, and problems, with experimental
demonstrations. (Fall, Winter, Spring.)

250-251-252. Physics Laboratory. [Sparrow, Ball and Assistants.]

8-10, M. W. F. and 2-5, T. Th.

This course accompanies 200-1-2. Emphasis is laid upon fundamental principles
and the phenomena which underlie engineering problems. Written reports
of laboratory work are required. Problem work and oral recitations on Friday.
(Fall, Winter, Spring.)

(808.) Thermodynamics. [Hoxton.]

10-11, T. Th. S.

A study of the basic laws with such applications to the properties of gases
and vapors and to thermodynamic appliances as are sufficient for the purposes
of illustration. A number of problems are solved. (Fall.)

(959.) Electrical Laboratory. [Hoxton and Ball.]

2-5, Th.

This course deals particularly with the more precise electrical measurements
and the manipulation of instruments of precision used in the higher grade of
electrical testing and standardization. (Spring.)