University of Virginia Library


Two courses are offered. In each there are five hours weekly of
lectures or recitations.


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1. Beginners' German.—Beginners may take this course: Pronunciation,
elementary grammar, reading, conversation and composition.

Text-Book.—Prokosch's Introduction to German (Henry Holt & Co.).
Five hours a week for six weeks.

Course 1 is the exact equivalent of the first term's work of German
A1, in the regular session of the University and will be so accredited
by the dean of the University and the professor of Germanic

Daily, from 8:30 to 9:30. Professor Faulkner. Rotunda, Room 2.

2. Advanced Course.—Not less than two high school units of
German prerequisite for admission. A course in reading, conversation,
and composition by the direct method, based on the following
text-books: Savory; Drei Wochen in Deutschland, ein deutsches
Lesebuch. Henry Frowde, Oxford Press; Schweitzer; Deutschland in
Wort und Bild, deutsches Lesebuch fiir, Quarta und Tertia; Librairie
Armand Colin, Paris. For reference-use the following books will
also be needed: Calvin Thomas; A Practical German Grammar;
(revised edition of 1905); Henry Holt & Company; Biermirth; Words
of Frequent Occurrence in Ordinary German; Henry Holt & Company;
Heath's, James's, Whitney's or any other standard German-English
dictionary. Five hours a week for Course 2 is the exact
equivalent of the first term's work of German B1, in the regular session
of the University, and will be so accredited by the Academic
Faculty as part of the requirements for the B. A. or the B. S. degree.

Daily, from 9:30 to 10:30. Professor Faulkner. Rotunda, Room 2.

Certificate Credit.—Summer School Professional—German 1 and 2.
Special High School Certificate—German 1 and 2.