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Aug. 17-Sept.15
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Aug. 17-Sept.15

In the lower neighborhood and have such charming times. Get acquainted with a cousin from the South, Bab Clampton. I'm so much pleased with her for she is so affectionate and nice and has proved herself such a true friend to my little sister Sally. The little daughter, Clara, was a nice little child. We found Cousin Sarah Gilmer in the neighborhood and saw a good deal of her. Kate Whitehead joins our party on the 29th of Sept. "Katie Darling" is in high favor with my young cousins of the male gender-indeed she is the pet of us all. She loses some of her sweetness by better acquaintance. Poor child, she is quite sick for a whole week and suffers much with her mouth. Bob is very smitten. I never saw my long cousin in love before. On Thursday, Aug. 25th Missouri Jim appears again among us. He only remained with us for a few days as he has come on to be married. His intended is a Miss Hackett of Louisa County and the ceremony is to come off on the 6th of Sept. His visit on the whole was unsatisfactory. I'm not very much pleased with the match but hope for the best. While he was with us, the fancy ball at The Creek came off. Kate and Sue were the two principal characters. It was a hastily arranged affair but we enjoy it much. Brother Jim's school opened while we were with him. The teacher [Samuel J. Coffman] seems a pleasant person. The little boys are all beginning Latin and it seemed hard work for them. The two Lizzies [Lizzie Dee Lewis and Lizzie Minor] also take a turn at the classics in the evening from Mr. Coffman. Sept. friend Emily gets back much to my joy, ....Her health is much better and she looks really pretty. Her friend, Miss [Carolyn] Morrill, who is to teach at Ridgway, stops with her at the Creek for a few days. She seems a nice ladylike person but has much more of the yankee manerisms about her than Emily. She expresses herself much pleased with Virginia. The little darkies afford her much much amusement. Sept. 15th get home after a visit of four weeks. While away Daddy returned from the Springs much improved in health. Dick is talking so smartly.