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The Prisoner of Love

By F. W. Orde Ward (F. Harald Wiliams)

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He will magnify the law, and make it honourable.”— Isa. xlii. 21.

I wish to magnify Thy Law,
Dear Father, at the Saviour's Throne,
The blessèd Cross our hope and awe—
And thus I measure it alone;
There is no other way than this
To gauge its grandeur and no less,
Where Truth and Mercy meet and kiss
Within Thy rule of Righteousness.
O Thou the gentlest One of all
Didst bow in Jesus to the dust,
To save us from the frequent fall
And show Thy Love is likewise just;
There Thou for ever didst exalt
The dreadful Majesty of Right,
That none should question or assault
The fount and safeguard of our light.
And if I sometimes lightly deem
That Thou wilt pass my errors by,
And Grace is other than it seem,
Again I go to Calvary;
Unto the Cross my doubts I take
And find Love never Love might be,
If it could at no cost forsake
Its law and set the sinner free.