University of Virginia Library


But watching thus the wood, or these,
As Ranolf lay, his facile eye


Ran o'er the shapes of plants and trees
Exuberant round him, known or new.
And while once more, as oft before,
He marked with pleasure deep and true,
What varied charms in form and hue
Dear Nature's forest-children wore,
It so did chance his curious glance
Fell on a slender shrub hard by,
All trace-work of transparent gold,
Or gold and emerald blended,—neither,
Yet far more beautiful than either!
Against a ground of shadow black
And soft as velvet at its back,—
So delicately pencilled in green splendour,
Stem branch and twig and leaflet tender
So saturate with sunshine—such a flood
Of light,—the exquisite creation stood!—
Then out at once at that sweet sight,
Outbroke in words his pure delight
And admiration uncontrolled:
“O the ineffable loveliness
Of the green works of—Chance!!—how strange
Their perfect power to mock each one some dress
Our many-masquing Spirits wear;
Mute, yet expert, like Music, to express
In forms as it in sounds what mood soe'er
The Soul may take through feeling's varied range!
Look at that star-crowned beauty how she stoops,
With what meek pride her plumy crest is bent!


See that fair wanton's figure forward leant
With open arms and every spreading spray
In trustful, loving, frank abandonment;
Mark that small spire, stiff—upright—almost pert,
School-girl in class—or sentry all alert!
What shrinking tenderness does one display,
Another languidly despondent droops:
Here, some advanced in bold defiance stand,
While others crouch in shy reserve behind;
There innocent grace, or full contentment bland,
Or swelling pomp their fit exponents find:
And see! how that dismantled forest-king
Does his contorted silver branches fling,
All bare to heaven, in wild despair,
Or writhing agony of speechless prayer!—
Surely that first formative Spirit unknown
That to these innocent woodland things supplied
Shapes with our inmost feelings so allied,
By such foreshadowing evolution showed
Its prescience of those feelings ere they rose;
Nay, to the Finite stooping,—in a mode
So beautiful and subtle and serene,
Haply designed, if dimly, to disclose,
To every sentiment within us sown
Some mystical relation of its own
Not all unsympathetic though unseen!