University of Virginia Library



Write on your flags another name!
The stirring ones they bear,
To-day shall see a newer fame
Their ancient glory share;
From Abraham's heights and Plassey's plain,
Right well-known words they bore;
To-day another boast they gain—
To-day one glory more.


Fields that our fearless fathers won,
We, to your glory true,
Dare add this deed their sons have done
Without a blush to you.
Brave hearts through all your hundred fights
Your flags to victory bore,
As brave, upon the Alma's heights,
Gave you one glory more.
Steep rose the cliff—deep flowed the stream—
Above their thousands lay;
And muskets' roll and bayonets' gleam
Told they stood well at bay.
A hundred guns the fierce hail sent,
That through our rent ranks tore;
Up—with the cold steel in we went,
And won one glory more.
Then, flags, receive the Alma's fame!
And shall that be the last?
Shall you not show a prouder name,
Ere Autumn's days are past?
Sebastopol awaits the doom
That Badajos once bore;
Flags, on your conquering folds keep room
For yet one glory more.