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The Works of the Late Aaron Hill

... In Four Volumes. Consisting of Letters on Various Subjects, And of Original Poems, Moral and Facetious. With An Essay on the Art of Acting

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On her praising Mr. D---r, and shewing me some of his Verses.

Matchless inspirer of my muse, and me,
Thou heaven, of blended smiles, and Majesty!
Thou, by whose light, all other's worth is shown,
While thou art dark, as midnight, to thy own:
Praising desert, like his, you charm me, too,
And, for your blessing him, my thanks are due.


Mean are the minds, who but their own possess,
And reap no joy, from other's happiness.
I groan, beneath their pains, whom sorrow wrings,
And, when their hope is rising, mine has wings.
O Clio! to deserve such praise from thee,
Points out thy friend, a bosom one, for me,
My sympathetic soul reveres his name,
And my warm heart beats anxious, for his fame.
Sweet are his thoughts, and soft, as evening air;
Joy gilds his smiles,—his sighs invite despair:
Strong is his sense, and his reflection deep,
Wide, as his prospects—as his mountains steep;
Oh! may he still be blest, with thy esteem,
Oh! may thy charms, forever, be his theme!
Vast is my wonder, at his Fancy's flight,
Till I remember, whence his store was drawn;
Clio, the inspirer Clio! lent him light,
And spread soft influence, o'er his wid'ning dawn:
Warm'd, by th' enliv'ning lustre of her beams,
His rip'ning reason burnt with conscious glow;
Blaz'd, in the radiant charmer's starry streams,
And shed diffusive heav'n on all, below:


Oh! thou soft sun of wit, and love's gay clime!
Point but one ray of thy broad shine, on me,
Then, shall my kindled soul flame out sublime,
And glitter proudly, with thy friend and thee.