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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman
15 occurrences of caske
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15 occurrences of caske
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The End of the XXIIII. and last Booke of Homers Odysses.

So wrought diuine Vlysses through his woes:
So, croun'd the Light with him; His Mothers Throes;
As through his great Renowner, I haue wrought;
And my safe saile, to sacred Anchor brought.
Nor did the Argiue ship, more burthen feele,
That bore the Care of all men, in her Keele;
Then my aduenturous Barke: The Colchean Fleece,
Not halfe so precious, as this soule of Greece.
In whose songs I haue made our shores reioyce,
And Greeke it selfe veile, to our English voyce.
Yet this inestimable Pearle, wil all
Our Dunghil Chanticheres, but obuious call;
Each Moderne scraper, this Gem scratching by;


His Oate preferring far. Let such, let ly:
So scorne the stars the clouds; as true-soul'd men
Despise Deceiuers. For, as Clouds would faine
Obscure the Stars yet (Regions left below
With all their enuies) bar them but of show;
For they shine euer, and wil shine, when they
Dissolue in sinckes, make Mire, and temper Clay:
So puft Impostors (our Muse-vapours) striue,
With their selfe-blowne additions, to depriue
Men solid, of their full; though infinite short
They come in their compare; and false report
Of leuelling, or touching, at their light,
That still retaine their radiance, and cleere right;
And shal shine euer When, alas, one blast
Of least disgrace, teares downe th' Impostors Mast;
His Tops, and Tacklings; His whole Freight, and He
Confiscate to the Fishy Monarchy;
His trash, by foolish Fame bought now, from hence,
Giuen to serue Mackarell forth, and Frankincence.
Such then, and any; too soft-ey'd to see
Through workes so solid, any worth, so free
Of all the learn'd professions, as is fit
To praise at such price; let him thinke his wit
Too weake to rate it; rather then oppose
With his poore pow'rs, Ages, and Hosts of Foes.