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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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An Occasionall reflection

Martij 26: 1653:
Brought to ye Barre; Condemnd; but yet my God
My gratious God,
Vnsaid vnsought to, by a blushles wretch
Hardned in Sinnings grants a glad repreive:
The next Assize I'me quitt; I freely live,
Alas too free; fresh Crimes; new fetters fetch,
And I am Gaol'd by Sin;
My God agen, agen
Enlargith me; his Clemencyes Surround
Mee all; his mercyes ev'n my hopes confound;
Not Seaven times freed; but I had pardon given
T'astonish faith, ev'n Seventy times yt Seaven;
Yet not enough, for yet I doe offend;
But ah his mercyes never end;
What shall I doe dread Lord; for thou hast done
To my vndoing more & more;
I dare not hope thy mercyes Still, for one
Soe often lost before
Sav'd by thy hand, wch alone Saves from death;
Dead wth ye Terror of relapsing crimes;


What may I doe oh God? my grounded faith
Fayles to thy mercy vrg'd soe many Times;
Nor faith, nor hope: Dread Lord what shall I doe?
I'le call ye hills to hide
My Caitive face; for ah I dare not Show
It ever to be tryed
By Thee againe; thy flameing Iustice burnes
My bowells vp, & grates my bones;
My hart is horror, all my Spirritt mournes;
Death & destructions
Attend my Sleeping browes & waking Eyes;
Lost in ye grave of Sin for many dayes;
A Stinking carcasse buried; many wayes
And many times, thy mercyes Still Surprise
Me; & now dead, thy mercye, bidds me rise.
I run to meet thy Love; that I may move
Not all vnworthy, Strike me through wth Love;
That I may love ye Lover, and emprove
Lost faith & hope departed, in that Love;
For Love is all.