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Patience abusde, doth more abuses meet
By Lusts that Strangle do her holy Sweet
Delightsom breath, broyling in Prelates breeches
And Monky tailes, smokd like to baken flitches
In Abby Goose rens: Henroosts, Nanneries.
I shall not instance much of other Sise.
One Theodora vile, a roman Whore
Two girles more arch than She in whoredom bore.
The first Marozia calld Pope Sergui's mare
Pope John the twelf's own Mam. She did him beare.
And she when Guido Earle of Tuscany
Her husband di'de. Hugh King of Italy
His brother takes into her bed vile hagge.
The other Theodora nam'de, she nagg
Was to Pope John the 'leventh, whom he rode
And many more whom she allur'd her Strode.
Erct regard Marquess Adelbert's once Wife
Her filthy Lust obtain'd in her Such life


That she her filthy body prostrate laid
To Noble and Ignoble as its said
Edgar the King of England, beside
His Whoredom with Alphreda turnd aside
Unto his Nunnish Whore Wilfreda, and
King Edwin doth of Incest beare the brand.
Willa the Wife of Berengary playd
The filthy Whore with a poor Priestly blade.
King Hugh had many Concubines beside
His wife whereof he utterly destroy'd
Three namely Venus, Juno, Semelee,
He nam'd, as Pagan Goddesses nam'd bee.
But now I'le turn to Peters Chair where flocks
A treading traile indeed of Dunghill Cocks
Pope Sergius tred Marozia, Guido's hen.
Pope Lando hath his Bastard (may bee ten)
Pope John the leventh hath an errant Whore
Marozia's Sister, called Theodore.
Pope John the twelfth a Son now of a Whore
And's Whorish mother Maroz'up are bore
Do rule in Rome both Church and State indeed.
What can be lookt for but a Whoredom Seed?
Pope John the thirtee[n]th made the Hall a Stie
Of Harlots, and with Sisters two did ly.
Whore's were his greatest friends, by whose brave aide
When he unpoped was, was new pope made.
Did Peters golden Crosses, give away
And Calices to harlots for their pay.
Constrain'd the English Clergy from their Wives
By Dunstans hand. Oh! se how Whoredom thrives.
But yet was Spurd into his brains as he
Was in his Whordom So death had his fee.
This cursed ranck that bannish from their pens
Chast Wives, no Capons are. They cockle hens
And tread too: their turkie Combs decleare
To ery one what Cockerills they are.
I'le rake no longer in this kennell vile
Which Exercise doth patience all the While.