University of Virginia Library



The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.”—St. Luke xix. 10.

Thou art not seeking, Christ it is
Pursuing thee;
And wert thou not already His,
Vainly the soul would hark or see;
Thou art not thirsty, it is God
Himself Who asks
Thy love, and only bears the rod
Of sinners and their tears and tasks;
Thou art not weary, He is faint
In every saint.
Thou from Thy darkness fliest not,
But Christ alone
Doth bring the Light where'er thy lot,
And in the eclipse for thee atone;
Thou dost not feel the deadly guilt
Of wicked ways,
But He Whose Blood was freely spilt
And shrives the heart before it prays;
Thou hadst not known thy bitter loss,
Without the Cross.
Thou hast not sorrowed, it is He
Who beareth all;
He suffered for and dies in thee
Daily, ere even thy feeblest call;


The Life it cometh to thy grave
With quickening breath,
And giveth what thou dost not crave,
Himself as thy redeeming Death.
The Saviour, by Whom Life was won,
Seeketh God's son.
Thou are not pleading, it is Christ
Praying for thee;
For yet He holds His awful tryst,
In every lot Gethsemane.
Thou art not needy, Christ is poor
Without each soul;
His Love keeps knocking at thy door,
Breaking the heart to make it whole.
He were not perfect unless thine,
Nor so Divine.