University of Virginia Library



AIR,—“The Opera Hat.”

Fill the glass, fill the glass,
Fill the glass up to the brim;
Here's a lass, here's a lass,
Here's a lass that's tight and trim!
Oh I've courted twenty years and more,
In hopes to find a wife;
Hard fate, thy banter now give o'er,
Else it will take my life!
Haste away, post away,
No longer let's delay;
Haste away, blithe and gay,
Come, thou happy marriage day!
All the pleasures that in life I've had
I count them only toys,
For nought my love-sick heart can glad
But matrimonial joys.


Last night I had a sorry sight,
When at the barber's shop,
For, grey wi' care, a tuft o' hair
From my temples he did lop:
The sight did shock my feelings so
I heaved this bitter sigh—
“If courtin' keen I do forego
A Bach'lor I must die.”