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The Treasury of Musick

Containing ayres and dialogues To Sing to the theorbo-lute or basse-viol. Composed

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Loves Triumph.
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Loves Triumph.

Ah, ah, mighty Love! what pow'r unknown

Ah, ah, mighty Love! what pow'r unknown hast thou now us'd more then thy own? It was thy Conduct and Designe, but not thy Pow'r that vanquish'd mine: As a great Captain to his Name of ev'ry Conquest joyns the Fame; though 'twas not by his Power got, but Armies by his Conduct brought: So when thou could'st not do't alone, thou lead'st his troops of Virtues on And I now feel by my surprize, thou hast not only Darts; not only Darts, but Eyes. Just god, now take again thy Arms, and rally all I have of Charms: What Pow'r and Conduct


cannot doe, make his Belief contribute too: So when the Earth some promise shows that she does yet more Wealth enclose: Believing men search her rich Veins, and crown their hopes with unknown gains: May he but at the first incline to Love, then by my Faith and Time, his Justice after the surprize shall be more fetter'd, shall be more fetter'd than his Eyes.