A Stanzaic Life of Christ | ||
Secundo quot modis missus est.
and telle in how mony manere
the Holy Gost, as ȝe schun see,
May send be, tokenes hit here.
one is in syȝt of sum mater,
As ȝif in fir or cloude come he;
þat oþer vsen men in hert cler
þen slydes he in-to mennes mynde
þat chast & in clene lyfe bene,
in oþer plas schall non hym fynde.
Iohannis tercio: Spiritus, vbi vult, spirat & vocem eius Audis, set nescis, a quo venit aut quo vadat, &c.
springes & lenges quer hym lyst;
his gost þou heres bout bost,
bot quethen hit comes, is vnwyst.’
ffor be þo eghen he entres noght,
ffor colour has he none I-wis,
quen he comes in monnes thoȝt,
be sownyng, quen he so is soȝt,
ne be þo nase, leue wele this,
bot in holy hert þat wele is wroȝt.’
shall tell quen he comes in,
ffor Bernarde says þat quen he come,
vices flogh euer with-oute dyn,
þen meruaylled he in þis maner,
‘how vertues comen & vices gon,
wunderly by his wisdome wer!’
he persayued Goddes myȝt,
þat wykked gost þat did hym stryfe
was wayued in refourmyng ryȝt,
And tho wykket wos went oway,
þen hertly alway he con hym heer,
As I in Latyn thenke to say:
Ex motu cordis intellexi presenciam eius, ex fuga vicorum
Aduerti potenciam virtutis eius & ex quacumque
emendacione morum meorum expertus sum bonitatem
mansuetudinis Et ex reformacione & renouacione
In any mater þat mon may see,
be fyue maners, as I am kent,
he has ben sent, as rede we.
Crist quen þat he folwed was,
As Saynt Luke beres wytnes
& in gospell mynde mas:
Descendit spiritus sanctus corporali specie. Luce iijo.
At Cristes transfiguracioun,
quen he to his men kuyt his myȝt,
In gospell As ȝe rede moun.
Ad-huc eo loquente ecce nubes lucida obumbrauit eos, &c.
he sent tho Holy Gost to hyse,
þat hor hertes shulden last,
ffor in þat werke he made hom wise.
‘haues her þo Holy Gost in ȝow,
þat ȝe for-ȝeiten not þis
my faithe fully for to knaw.’
Iohannis xxmo: Inflauit & dixit: Accipite spiritum sanctum, &c.
The fyfte in tong & strange speche,
In þes too he come as þis day
ffor to be our lyfes leche.
In þes fyfe lykenes, as I say,
þat vnderstonde fully shyn we
hor propurtees, all to our pay,
to knaw þat he wurches al-way
In mennes hertes, as I myn,
with þos maters to mende hom ay,
Also to do poyntes to his pay.
Now at þo dowue I will begyn
his kynde to moraluse, As I may.
in stede of song to be mournyng,
In hyr wontes galle I-wis,
In holes off ston is hyr wonnyng.
mas men to sorowe for hor synnyng,
& quen þai mendet haue þis mys,
then has he way & full entryng.
In Laten clerkes for to rede,
& says, ‘we mournen as dowfe ay,
& as beeres romeon’, as I rede.
Issay libro iiijto: Rugiemus quasi vrsi & quasi columbe meditantes gememus. Item Ad Romanos viijo: Ipse spiritus postulat pro nobis gemitibus inenarrabilibus, id est, nos postulantes gementes facit, &c.
ho has no bytternes of galle,
ne bitternes none in þat plaas
þer-as þo Holy Gost will fall.
Sapiens dicit: O quam bonus & suauis est, domine, spiritus tuus, &c.
of þat souerayne swetnes
þat þo Holy Gost full of gras
has ay, as ȝe schyn her expres.
þo wise mon called hit weterly,
ffor al thre as I will fynde
hit mas vs quen we han mercy.
þo Apostels speken þis day
quen hit wos lyȝt in hom in hy,
iche langayge in hor tung lay,
In mynde, as ȝe leue wele may,
quen þat heuenly tresory
in hom wos sett fast, soþe to say.
quen þat gost in hom had wroȝt,
ffor hit made God to hom so der,
dethe for hym dredde þai noȝt.
Sapiencie viio: Spiritus sanctus est suauis, benignus, humilis ex eo, quod suaues, benignos, humiles nos faciat: suaues in sermone, benignos in corde & humiles in opere, &c.
þat þo dowfe has, as ȝe schyn her,
In holes of ston euer mor
ho byldes & lenges bothe in fer,
Cristes woundes vs to wone in,
& wikkednes alway to wovnde,
on his passioun ȝif we myn.
þat to his wondes likened bene,
so dwellon þes holy men yche on
in Cristes woundes, with-outen wene.
hor hertes bene sett, as wele is sene,
In mournyng & in makyng moone,
As don þes dowfes all be-dene.
In dowfe lykenes wele wos sent,
ffor men þat lyfen, As þai done ay,
thurgh þo Holy Gost ben kent.
‘ryse vp my luf, my dowfe der,
& norische my bryddes Ay Among,
In holes of ston & helpe hom her.’
Canticorum secundo: Surge Amica mea, columba mea, fouens mihi pullos in foraminibus petrinis.
þo briddes goode men full of hit,
þo holes Cristes woundes I-wis
þat þai on þenken thurgh hor wytt.
Secundo in specie nube.
þat God his gost schewed has
In clowdes lykenes, As lyues leche,
& be gode skyll þat werke don has.
þat from þo erthe is houen heghe,
Refresshes, in heyte ȝif þat hit be,
And rayne engendres to be neghe.
qwo-so he filles of his godenes,
he mas hom to for-sake worldly blis
And heues hor hertes to hom expres.
Ezechielis viijo: Eleuauit me spiritus inter celum & terram. Item Gregorius: Gustato spiritu de[si]pit omnis caro, &c.
oȝayne heyte brennyng of vice,
And þer-as he will be lengyng
nothyng þat is lodely lys.
he sayd þo Holy Gost shuld lyȝt
In hyr & chadowe oboute hyr sett
þurgh vertu of God most of myȝt.
Spiritus sanctus superueniet in te & virtus altissimi, &c.
þat chadowe hyr he wolde so with blis,
And to slekke all vices so he wold fonde
þat he shuld no way do mys,
Of þo Holy Goost i-wis,
ffor slekkyng water þurgh Goddes sonde
þo Holy Gost skekket wele is.
Iohannis septimo: fflumina de ventre eius fluent Aque viue. Hoc autem dixit de spiritu sancto, quem erant Accepturi credentes in eum, &c.
As saynt Iohan wytnes her,
þer-for in clowde of water thoo
hyt semed wele he shuld aper.
þat he engendres in comyng,
rayne of teres & wayues boost
In monnes herte with sorwe remyng,
Ryȝt so teres engendres he,
þer-for to schwe hym he wos bayne
In cloude lykenes, As rede we.
Psalmus: Flauit spiritus eius & fluent aque, videlicet lacrimarum, &c.
Tercio in flatu.
wos in blawyng at þo mowthe,
And monnes blast, kyndly to knawe,
Is light & hote, is none vncouthe.
monnes gost þat greued is,
ffor shawing of no thyng mon is leuer
þen softe blast quen he fares mys.
As wynde to entre in monnes thoȝt,
þat flees syn & drawes to ryȝt,
he mas his seyte þer all vnsoght.
þat Goddes gost con not be latte
ffrom plas þat he will to Aper,
ffor sone As he comes And all vnfotte.
Glosa super [illud]: Factus est repente, nescit tarda molumina spiritus sancti gracia. Item spiritus sanctus calidus est ad inflandum, &c.
ffor to enflaume as fir dos ay,
Goddes worde, As I wele woote,
Acordis to þis, As I shall say,
ffor to put fire þer-in,
And I will þat hit brenne cler
In mennes Eres & noȝt blynne.’
Luce xiio: ignem mittere in terram & quid volo, nisi vt ardet, &c.
þo flaume of hit þat ese blast
þat Crist blew of myȝtes most
quen hit to his dysciples past.
þat brennes mennes hertes so,
To þo sotheron wynde I-wis,
þat moystes & brennes bothe too.
men te be meke bothe one & moo,
And brennes hom Alls, leues wele þis,
To God bothe in weyle & wo.
Canticorum iiijto: Surge, Aquilo, veni, Auster, & perfla, &c. Item spiritus sanctus lenis est Ad flatus demulcendum, &c.
quen his gost opon hom lyȝt
wos softe to make men hym to swe,
As oynement þat is mad ryȝt.
þat says þat Cristes enoyntyng
teches vs so-qwer we gon
to haue knawlage of all thyng.
Iohannis Tercio: Vnctio enim eius docet de omnibus, &c.
ffor hit is softe in doun fallyng,
As in chirche is songen now þis,
In Latyn as I shall ȝow mynge:
Et sui roris intima Asperacione fecundet, &c.
Also hit lykened is to Ayrþat softe is, As ȝe schyn see,
fforto Amende & noȝt enpair
he comes, for verray God is he.
Regum xxo: Et post ignem cibulus Aure tenus, & ibi dominus. Item necessarius est ad respirandum, &c.
Is with mouth of wynde comyng,
ffor hit is nedefull for to reve
swike þat mon has in schwyng,
þat in þat tempest troublet is,
ffor in þat swyke he myȝt be slayn
And in wynde or blast tareyng is.
þat in softe wynde so geuen was,
put hit oway þat helpes most,
to rekeuer mon þat fayles gras.
Aufers spiritum eorum & deficient. Item emitte spiritum tuum & creabuntur. Item Iohannis viijo: Spiritus est qui viuificat, &c.
‘Send þi gost, lord, to þi men,
& made so in A new maner
thurgh þi vertu þai schyn be þen.’
De tercio quo tempore missus est.
quat tyme þo Holy Gost wos sent,
& querfor As I shall schawe,
As doctours sayn now takes entent.
After his resurrectioun,
ffyrst hor lawes perfectioun,
þat oþer hor endles mede for þis,
þe thrid of synnes remissioun.
this thyng wos done þat I shall say,
Þat lawe wos made perfyte þer-by,
be gode resoun preue I may.
Primo spiritus sanctus est legis perfectio. In quinquagesimo die missus est spiritus sanctus, vt detur intelligi quoniam A spiritu est legis perfectio, eterna remuneracio & peccatorum remissio, &c.
& after þo fyfty day
The lawe wos gefen [on] Synay
in fir to Moyses, in gode fay.
þo Holy Gost, As leuen we,
In fir þo fyfty day wos sent
After þat Crist rose, leue ȝe me.
ffor fyrst þo lombe may likened be
To Crist þat secund lombe wos sent
& sacrified, as ȝer wos he.
þo fyfty day next After þoo,
So Cristes gost in fir doun come
To conferme þes lawes too.
þe Holy Gost in Mount Syon,
þo laghe on heghe hille, as rede I,
þat oþer in howse lyȝt hom opon.
þat perfection of tho lawe
wos thurgh þo Holy Gost I-wis,
& þen fulfilled, be clerkes sawe.
Spiritus plenitudo est mentis, perfectio muneris.
ffull reward euermor lastyng,
As in tho glose Among moo
Is wretyn þis worde wele Acordyng.
After his resurrexioun
ffaurty dayes wos in fer
with his disciples, wete ȝe moun,
þat holy chirche may signefy
þat now endures to Goddes pay
to wyn euerlastyng blis þer-by,
signefy rewarde be resoun,
In quiche day kyng of blis
Sende his gost to vs Adoun.
Item A spiritu sancto venit remissio.
ffelle remyssioun of our syn,
And be gode skyll preue I may,
As I thenke now er þat I twyn.
Sum tyme wos playne remissioun
of Cristen thynges, As I shall say,
þat I may after be resoun
to þo temperall dede befor,
ffor this remissioun vsed was
ffrom Habrahames tyme euermor.
wer for-gefen weterly,
Men that wer exilled comen ner
And wer restored thurgh mercy;
þat ȝer hit wos geuen oȝayne;
& suche as in bondayge wer borne,
wer made fre & þer-of fayne;
wer delyuerd of presoun,
now put we yche grase in hy
to gostly playne remissioun.
ryȝt as dette forgeuen was,
so wer synnes, sothe to say,
hydde ouer-all þer he toke plaas.
synne[r]s wele repelled wer
to mercy, þof þai diden amys,
her-to Acordes þo Sauter:
Spiritus tuus bonus deducet me in terram rectam.
þat is erthely paradyse,
Crist his blode & flesshe for vs cost,
& for þat heretage put in prise
And þis day sende his gost doun
to conferme þat he con wyn,
ffor quyche he tholed his passioun.
Ad Romanos viijo: Ipse spiritus testimonium reddidit spiritui nostro, vt sumus filii dei. Sin autem filii, & heredes, &c.
þat Goddis gost full of myȝt
to our gost beres wytnes
þat Goddes sonnes we ben be ryȝt.
his Ayres we ben of full ayge,
& heuenly paradyse vs will fall
ffor to clayme for heretayge.
þat ȝer delyuerd All vnboȝt,
So out of synne we ben her
delyuered with þat God has wroȝt.
þer is ffrensship þat will not faile,
Saynt Paule witnes þat hit is so,
þer Sathan may vs noȝt Assayle.
Ad Chorentheos tercio: Vbi spiritus domini, ibi libertas, &c.
De iiijto quociens missus est, videlicet apostolis.
how ofte þo Holy Gost wos sent
to his dysciples, as he lyȝt
thries I fynde, now takes entent.
And after þo resurrexioun,
Tho thrid tyme as this day thurgh gras
x. dayes after tho Ascensioun.
The secound to relesshe syn,
þo thrid to comforde vs in tho fay
þat sumtyme befor wer louse þer in.
Primo missus est Ad faciendum miracula, secundo relaxandum peccata, tercio ad confirmandum corda.
& ouer deuels to haue power,
to keuer All þat þai myȝt ouer-reyche,
þo quyche in ony langour wer,
Saue only by þo Holy Gost,
þerfor he graunted þat grase hom to
to heele þer-by bothe leest & moost.
Mathei septimo: Si Autem in spiritu dei eicio demonia, &c.
yche mon þat has gost in hym,
bot wundres schyn be by hym wroȝt
to leene mon lyfe, er heyle, or lym.
Gregorius: Miracula hominem sanctum non faciunt, set ostendu[n]t.
þat miracles maken not A mon holy,
Bot schwen þat he holy is
& godde wurches wonderly,
haue not in hom þo Holy Gost,
ffor summe men sayn þat þai mone sone
do myracles, & þer-of maken boost.
Domine, Domine non probavimus in nomine tuo, &c.
dose miracles, takes þis in mynde,
Aungels be mater, leue ȝe me,
haue Abulte of hit as I fynde;
þat diuers thynges haue hom with-in,
of preciouse stones & herbery
& oþer mater I con not myn;
be preue consaylyng And wytte
of deuels þat wolden men dystry,
quat þai don deuels techen hit;
Al be knawen ryȝtwisnes,
Euell Cristen men be signes fals
Semyng gode, full of falsenes.
to his disciples all in pees
quen he blwe & sayd, ‘haue ȝe
þo Holy Gost, syn to relese.’
Accipite spiritum sanctum, quorum remiseritis, &c.
Preuee gylt in hert hydde,
or gilt þat bounden is ony way
In helle for to take stydde.
As sennyng in tho Holy Gost,
her most contricion come in plaas
& mercy of hym þat is moost,
As to tho payne hit is worthi,
bot þurgh penauns pert or preue
& contricioun inwardely.
Assoyle quen A mon schryuen is,
supposyng he tolde his errour
of all þat he had done Amys,
þen he þer may segh in syght
& þat he schawes hym befor,
Assoylled he is be way of ryȝt;
may no mon deme bot onely he
þat shryues hym so of his syn,
ȝif he worche be sotelte,
he geues hym penauns for to do her,
þat he in purgatory shuld haue
gyf þat his syn punysshed wer,
he relesshes as for þo best,
bot ȝet contricioun most come with-all
other all his trauayle clene is lest.
þat God þo Holy Gost doun sent
to sadden hom fully in þo fay
to drede no dethe ne tourment.
& says, ‘þo Holy Gostes gras
is so mury in his maner,
þof he fynde tristes in þat plas,
& turnes sorwe in-to solas,
& ȝif wylnyng waxen wer
he wayues as thyng þat neuer was,
on Cristes dysciples as wos sene,
ffor fro þat þis gifte wos geuen þis day
Miȝt neuer mon turne hom for no tene.’
Augustinus: Talis est gracia spiritus sancti, quod, si tristiciam invenerit, dissolui, Si desiderium iniustum, consumit, si tremorem, abiecit, &c.
De quinto qualiter missus est.
hit is to wete & knaw I-wis,
with sowene & dyn þer in þat plaas
& tonges of fir, leue wele þis,
syttyng, þat iche mon myȝt see
his felawes on fir flaumyng,
As semed þer to þat meyne.
Sonus fuit repentinus, celestis, vehemens & replens, vt inferius declarabitur, &c.
heuenly, heuyng vp & ouer,
& fulfillyng, in gode fay,
As I shall declar þes four.
Spiritus sanctus nescit tarda molumina.
ffor þo Holy Gostes gras
is radde & con not come slawly
þer-as he will take his plaas.
ffor qwo-so hit is to sent
is made heuenly be resoun
of heuenly thyng, als fully kent.
Vnde vehemens, quasi vehat mens.
ffor erthely luf engendret hit
& wayued als euer-lastyng woo,
And wroȝt full wele in monnes witte.
ffor þo Holy Gost Al-way
fulfilles hom þat he is In lengyng,
As by this clause knaw mon may:
Repleti sunt omnes spiritu sancto.
& tokenes of plente also
wos in þo Apostelles mynde
quen Goddes gost wos in hom þoo.
After þo fyrst sowene doun comyng,
As schawes boþe in tour & tone
A full tvnne will sowen no thyng.
Iob septimo: Numquid mugiet bos, cum Autem presepe plenum fuerit, &c.
will not lowe quen cracche is fulle,
no mor dos mon in no maner
quen he has al thyng þat he will
queche hay I call þo Holy Gost
þat makes althyng to his pay,—
hit nedes not to crie ne boost
ffor þurgh þat lorde of myȝtes moost
impaciens is put oway,
He dredes for no kynges hoost.
Þo Apostels euerychon,
ffor in Angre & grete ny
Cry ne boost made neuer one,
to mon makyng hor moone,
þo Holy Gost so graciousely
in all godenes has hom begone.
Ibant gaudentes in conspectu consilii, quoniam digni habeti sunt, &c.
þat in þo dysciples con aper,
of þo Holy Gostes gras
No fuller myȝt þai be þen þai wer.
be A vessell þat full is
of one lycour, in gode fay,
An-oþer will not in Iwis;
þat full wer of þo Holy Gost,
of wordly fulte myȝt þai noȝt fall
ne blyndet be wit deuels boost,
of heuen swyetnes hom with-in,
worldly wele wos waxen wast,
þo deuell no wille had hom to wyn.
Yssay: Plenus sum & ideo holocausta, &c.
þat þo Apostels vseden her
After þo Holy Gost comyng
quyll þat þai to-geder wer,
of all þat euer hom geuen was
In comune dalt was day for day,
none calles his of þat he has.
Nullus suum Aliquid esse dicebat set erant illis omnia communia, &c.
ȝif A vessell so full be
þat hit go ouer, ȝe sene wele this,
þer semes shulde be full plente;
ouer schedde, & þer-of oþer token,
ffor mony one þat leueden not befor
folweden hom & filthe for-soken,
& conuerted, leue ȝe me,
thre thowsand & moo to þo fay,
In holy writte as rede we.
to A water likened be
þat out of paradise rennes ay,
Fisoun one of faur is he,
certayne tymes of þo ȝer,
iche londe befor & behynde
to ouer-flete hom all in fer,
ffrutes springen fer & ner,
So don þo frutes in monnes mynd
be Goddes gost in gode maner.
Ecclesiastice xxiijjto: Qui impletus est Phisyn sapiencie. [&] s[i]c[ut].
Secundo in [l]inguis [ig]neis.
In tongues of fir, as rede we,
of quiche sendyng for our solas
takes now hede to poyntes thre.
In tonges of fir quy he was sent,
Tho secunde quy in þat mater
mor þen oþer elyment,
mor þen in membres oþer moo
declar I will, as ȝe schyn see,
bot fyrst to brennyng tonges go.
in brennyng tonges vs to teche,
þo fyrst þat suche as brennyng wer,
brennyng wordes shulden preche.
preche of brennyng lawe of londe,
Saynt Bernarde spekes of þes too
ffrom bale to put hor hertes of bonde.
Bernardus: Venit spiritus sanctus in linguis igneis, vt linguis omnium gencium verba ignea loquerentur, & legem igneam lingue ignee predicarent, &c.
with tonges of fir, þat with þo speche
of all maner nacioun
he myȝt be our lyues leche.
& tonges of fir synneles to [pr]eche
be preued predicacioun,
And langayge schuld not be to seche.’
wordes of fir all fully,
queche fir of þo Holy Gostes gras
sadde luf & tru may signefy.
so wele to fir as sadde luff may,
ffor þer-as sadly rotes he,
As fir hit brennes in gode fay.
In tonges of fir may wele be this,
þat þai shulde bothe one & moo
to preche þo faithe nothyng Amys,
þat verray faithe bothe wos & is,
& noȝt to drede þo deuell our foo
to faile in hit be no fayntise,
be hom-selffe þat vertu was,
bot Goddis gost in hom verray
wroȝt all hor crafte in hor caas,
þat Goddes gost wos in hom pitte,
ffor boute seche sleght for to schawe
to meene wos any monnes wytte.
Quare pocius in igne quam in alio elemento propter tres causas &c.
In lykenes of fyr as this day
mor þen in oþer element,
mony resons schwe I may.
þat lykened is in gode fay
To fir kynt, As I am kent,
be seuen skylles full verray.
So dos fir be way of kynde,
be gyfte of drede þat mon has
in quych he entres, as I fynde.
be gyfte of mercy, takes in mynde,
& geues lyȝt also to thester plas
þurgh wytt puttyng derknys behynde.
be gode consayle restraynes he,
Softe þing he saddens securly
be strengthe of kynd, leue ȝe me.
& all þo ruste puttes oway,
So dos he with-oute weer
be gyfte of vnderstondyng Ay.
be gyf of wysdome mon to pay,
As I in Latyn rede will her,
& after in Englisshe mor verray:
Spiritus ad modum ignis Alta humiliat per donum timoris & mollet dura per donum pietatis, illuminat obscura per donum sciencie, restringit fflueda per donum consilii, sollidat mollia per donum fortitudinis, clareficat metalla per donum intellectus, sursum tendit per donum sapiencie, vt expressius declarabitur in lingua materna.
Primo Alta humiliat per donum timoris.
mas thyng meke þat is heghe,
As fir abates alway boost
of all thynges þat hit comes neghe.
þo proude mon dredes noght befor,
drede of God he most haue nede
thurgh þo Holy Gostes lor.
Mas drede qwer-so he entres in
And mekes mon, in þo selfe maner
gostly fir ay feres syn.
Secundo Item mollidat dura per donum pietatis.
he mas harde thyng softe to be,
þo Holy Gost so þurgh his gras
harde hertes mas softe, ȝe schyn see.
gode ensample take mone we,
ffor heuenly fir stroke in his face,
he preched þo faythe with hert fre;
suche A gyfte of pite,
þat one harde hert softened has,
ffo[r] harder hert had none þen he.
Tercio illuminat obscura per donum sciencie.
As we mon bodely se in syȝt,
þo Holy Gost þurȝe his godenes
in our saulis mas gostly lyȝt;
þat þurgh þo Holy Gost wos sent,
ffor thurgh his gras connyng ben we
ffro þat he be lyȝt in our entent;
þurgh quich Sathan may be schent,
And connyng foly to flee
And in tho faythe to ben feruent.
Quarto restringit flueda per donum concilii.
to maystre oþer elymentes,
Saue only Ayr or wynde I-wys,
All þai enpayren be his presence.
ffro þat Goddis gost be in hym lyȝt,
be gode consayle shwes he
& rebelnes turnes into ryȝt.
Restrayned is be gode resoun,
And be sadde sothenes in hert sette
be counsayl from Crist comen doun.
Quinto solidat mollia per donum fortitudinis.
be strengthe þat he has in his kynde,
So heuenly fir thyng all frowarde
In faythe he saddes, as I fynde,
As be ensample mon may see;
ffor er þo Holy Gost send was
ffaynt & freyle wos þat meyne,
Tyll þis fir wos from heuen sent,
bot þen sadde þai wer yche one,
þat chaunge myȝt no thyng hor entent.
Sexto clarificat metalla tollendo rubiginem per donum intellectus.
And puttes þo rust all clene oway,
So Goddes gost with-oute weer
clanses ruste of synne in fay
sende be Goddes gost Adoun,
þof our flesshe haue foule fondyng
þo fendes affray has no faysoun,
we persayuen Apertly
& vnderstonden h[i]s manas,
he dresses hym vs for to dystry,
ffleyng fer fro þat foly
þat he proferes in þat plaas
to enpayr vs Apertly.
Nota de septimo per donum sapiencie.
A steme has allway vp-steghyng,
So fares þo Holy Gost I fynde
And heuenly fir in hert feghtyng,
Tho hert is towarde heuen hyghyng,
þo deuell may not þat bonde vnbynde
quyll þat fyr is vp-steghyng.
Tho gyfte of wysdome And of wytte,
ffor full wysdome engendret he
In monnes saule þurgh strengeth of hit.
Secunda causa quare apparuit in specie ignis pocius quam in Alio elemento sumitur penes sue deitatis excellenciam, &c.
In fir lykenes to mon-kynde
helder þen in oþer element,
I shall declare now as I fynde.
in thre maners, take þis in mynde,
þen ony other elyment,
And mor curiouse in his kynde,
& in schappe I shall say quy,
ffor fayren þen fir no mon may seke
þer leghtnes none so louelely;
hit passes other mony moo,
ffor herr þen oþer fir is Ay
In settyng & doyng eke also;
mor þen þes other thre,
& strengthe þer he comes by
to maystre hom all, leue ȝe me.
of fayrenes he passes all,
& in rewle & ordre als is moost
ffor of All gostes he is wall,
So excellent þer may none be,
As in Latyn preue will I
ffor clerkes be Autorite:
Sapiencie Septimo: Primo dicitur spiritus sanctus non quoinquinatus, pro secundo capit omnes spiritus intelligibiles, pro tercio habens omnem virtutem, &c.
Tercio sumitur penes multiplicem proprius efficaciam.
ffor kyndely profet þat fir has,
And faur kyndes he has I-wis,
Reherse I will now in this plaas.
Ignis iiijor habet naturas, videlicet vrit, purgat, calefacit, illuminat, &c.
All þes faur kyndes has he,
So heuenly fyr brennes synnes
Tho selfe maner, as ȝe schyn see.
her-to Acordes prophecy,
on quiche in Latyn I shall myn
þat speke þo prophet Zacary:
Zacarias: Per ignem vram inter eos, sicut vritur Argentum. Item vre renes meos & cor meum, &c.
purges hertes þat hit comes in,
As tho prophete prays ay,
ffrom temptacion for to twyn,
þer baret is, till bale blyn
& þat plas purget al to his pay,
er he take sesoun þer er wos syn.
Issay iiijto: Si sanguinem Ierusalem lauerit de medio eius in spiritu Iudicii et Ardoris.
þo saules in queche he tas seyson,
ffor gostly fir all godenes getes
In mon Amendet, triste ȝe mone.
Ad Romanos xiio: spiritu eruentes.
And says, ‘þo Holy Gost come doun
In fir to put Away in hye
All coolde & foule corrupcion,
Thurgh his endles mercy
Ay mor & mor to gode desir,
& mon to leue deuoutely.’
Gregorius: In igne Apparuit spiritus sanctus, quia ab omni corde quod replet, torporem frigoris excutit & hoc in desiderio sue eternitatis accendit, &c.
Item spiritus sanctus illustrat ignorancias.
þe Holy Gost dose maystry,
leghtnes hertes for to knaw
vnknawen thyng All fully;
And in thesternes mas wele to se,
þo heuenly fir mas hertes bryȝt,
Of thyng vnknawen wise to be.
Sapiencie ixo: Sensum Autem tuum quis sciet, nisi tu crederis sapienciam & miseris spiritum sanctum tuum de altissimis.
As wytty & wyse As was he,
he Askes heuenly God almyght
To knaw his wytte, what way schyn we,
ffrom heuen his gost þurgh his grace
To teche ws þat we knaw moun,
sadde wytt oȝayns Sathanas.
Ad Corentheos Secundo: Nobis autem reuelauit dominus per spiritum sanctum, &c.
[Quart]a causa quare pocius Apparuit in specie ignibus quam in alio elemento sumitur Amoris ipsius naturam &c.
helder in fourme of fir this day
þen in other element, As I am lered,
As clerkes techen sothe to say.
two maner kynde of his grete luf,
ffor luff fyr may signefy,
And luff is A gost Abuff.
quy luff to fyr lykened is;
Tho fyrst for fir is steryng Ay,
So dose tho Holy Gost Iwis,
he mas hym to meeue not Amys,
In gode wurchyng to be alway,
ffor Gregory wele preues this:
Gregorius: Numquam est Amor dei ociosus. Operatur enim magna si est. Si autem operari neclegit, Amor non est, &c.
‘Is neuer-mor ydell, leue ȝe me,
Bot worches All-way wonderly
In iche plase þer-as is he.
ffor to wurche wyt gode wille,
hit is no luff verament
ffor luff con not holde hym stille.’
Quy luff And fir ben sette in fere,
ffor of All elementes in fay
worthiest hit is & moost der,
And leest hit is As of matere,
So fares tho Holy Gost Alway
Tho selfe maner, As ȝe schyn here.
Of tho Holy Gostes luff,
To erthely thyng no hert has he
Bot wilnes heuenly blis Abuff,
Bot meche to thyng that gostly is,
Suche is tho Holy Gostes gras
And lykened wele to fir I-wis.
ffor thre thynges, As I fynde,
That fire has, As I schall rede
Qwyll this mater is in mynde.
And vpward also draghes he,
ouer-fletyng with-owten pyne
he geders to-geder, leue ȝe me.
iij maner of strengthes þat luf has
lyke to þes iij, sothe to say,
As Denys clerke mynde mas:
Ignis habet alta inclinare, sursum tendere, fluida adunare & congregare. Dionisius in libro de diuinis nominibus: Amor habet triplicem vim videlicet inclinatiuam eleuatiuam, & concordatiuam.
thyng þat is hegh myȝtily,
ffor to haue neuer so grete renown
luf may thow hym bonerly,
to encline all curtesly
to all thyng, þat is resoun
ther othr waye fayles fullely.
Amor habet vim eleuatiuam.
be mony wayes mon may se,
As men þat ben grete lordis negh,
who-so is lufd, on heght gos he.
Item habet vim concordatiuam
Euen & euen he brennes in fer,
thogh wrath be & manas,
luf maystres hom in meke maner.
Inclinatiuam, quia inclinat superiora inferioribus, Eleuatiuam, quia eleuat inferiores superioribus, concordatiuam, quia concordat equalia equalibus. Dionisius.
In seche men as the Holy Gost
fulfilles þrugh his grace,
ffyrst he abates all hor bost.
& forsakyng of hor wille,
Noȝt takyng honour ne heghnes
bot Goddes plesaunce to fulfille.
vp-hevyng as fir is in kynd,
& also, as I con say
A litell befor as ȝe mone fynd,
Mennes hertes forto dys[yr]e
heuenly blis, þer-by hit preues
þat verray luf is heuenly fir.
ichon to oþer he mas der,
trew to be & neuer mor twynne,
As by ensaumple men may ler
þat all tourment with hert enter
Sufferd, er þai wolden synne,
ffull stydfastly in this world her,
by vertue of þe Holy Gost,
þat with so stabull charite
In myschef to luf hym most.
Quare spiritus sanctus pocius apparuit in lingua quam in alio membro iijx est ratio, vnde patet vt supra.
Appert in tonges helder her
þen in oþer membres, I shall say
thre causes conable & cler.
As helle fir cruell & fere,
fflaumyng for to make Afray,
non othre membre in þat maner,
þer monnes hert wer oght vnstable,
& hit maystret is thurgh myȝt
A membre wonder prophetabull.
Iacobus: Lingua nostra est ignis vniuerse iniquitatis.
with brennyng fyr of grete foly,
Goddis gost þo in con go
hell-fir for to dystry.
wos wroght to rule resonably,
heuenly fyr most bren þat fo
As dyd this day feruently.
in A pistell þat he mas
& sayes, ‘all bestes & foles I-wis
to be maystred now wille has
bot to tempre tong no bote is
Bot þrugh the Holy Gostes gras.’
þerfor hit nedis soueraignys
helder þen oþer, As sayd I
Acordyng to þe Apostels wyt:
Omnis [n]atura bestiarum, volucrum, serpencium & ceterorum animalium doma[n]tur & domita sunt [a] natura humane; lingu[am] hominum nullius domare potest; inquietum malum, plenum mortifere veneno, &c. Iacobus iijo.
to betoken þat hit wos nede
Prechoures wele tonget for to be,
ffor to hom mon most takes hede
& wille to do gode riȝt As God bede,
In iiij maners As ȝe schyn see,
As I shall Apertly rede:
Predicantibus necessarium est lingua spiritu sancto repleta, quia facit eos loqui feruenter, confidenter, multipliciter & vtiliter, &c.
To preche brennandly aboute,
ffor thrugh þe vertue of hit þat þay hade
luff & will no mon to doute,
ffor hertes in luff wer so brennyng,
herto Acordes, As I shall say,
Saynt Bernard of his dovn-comyng:
Venit spiritus sanctus super discipulos in linguis igneis vt verba ignea lingue ignee predicarent. Bernardus.
opon þe Apostils all in fer
In tonges of fyr, to make hom bown
brennyng wordes men to her.
shulden preche þe lagh of fyr in fay,
As who-so say with carefull hert lengyng,
ffor fyr ay lenges whill he may.’
Et facit eos loqui confidenter & Absque pusillanimitate.
mad all þe ioyfull cumpany
with-owten faynt hert day & nyȝt
ffor to speke tristely.
& thai speken with grete tryst
ffor thai weren fyllet full of hyt,
thai myghten say what-ser hom lyst.
Quarto: repleti sunt omnes spiritu sancto et ceperunt loqui cum fiducia.
mad hom to speke in mony maner,
ffor in all languages þai wer connyng,
men of all nacions for to ler.
to this, as ȝe sone schyn [her]e,
þat Goddis gost mad hom spekyng
with diuerse tonges all enter.
Actuum apostolorum secundo: Ceperunt loqui variis linguis.
ffor monnes edificacioun,
ffor all men wexen bygge þer-by
to suffre bale fully bown.
Ysaie lxxxijo: Spiritus domini super quod vincerit me.
whill þe Apostils wer syttyng,
in tokenyng At þat fraternite
shuld be iustis & hegh kyng,
he syttes al-way as men movn se,
þerfor to sette h[yt] wold by-seme
in takyng þat Autorite.
he graunted hom quen he send his gost,
the fyrst to forgyf synne Away
to all þurgh God of myghtes most:
Iohannes vijo: Accipite spiritum sanctum, quorum remiseritis peccata, dimittuntur eis, &c.
Secunda prerogatiua data apostolis per spiritum sanctum videlicet Sapiencia.
wos wysdom to deme mon & wyfe,
ffully þerfor þai wer kent
to teche þe pepill to lede gode lyfe:
Isay xiijo: Ponam spiritum meum, iudicium gentilibus, &c.
Tercia prerogatiua videlicet humilitas.
of which þe gost gaf hom grase
to suffre wrong in all thyng,
And chonge hor purpose in no case,
Numeri qo: Dabo eis de spiritu sancto, qui in te est, vt supportent omnis populi.
Quarta prerogatiua videlicet humilitas & pulcra, &c.
þrugh vertue of þe Holy Gost.
þe furthe vertu þai haden eke
ffair speche þrogh hym þat is most.
Iob xxvo: Spiritus domini ornauit celos rectos.
in All domes-men for to be,
Autorite full for to deme,
wysdam & mekenes, leue ȝe me,
Noo hastynes ne cruelte,
not to knaw queche he will saue.
To þe sext poynt now go we.
A Stanzaic Life of Christ | ||