University of Virginia Library

Sec. 2-119. Monthly reports of receipts and disbursements.

The director of finance shall prepare, as soon after the close
of each month as may be practicable, a statement showing
the receipts and disbursements for the previous month. The
statement shall show under disbursements, in separate parallel
columns, the amount estimated in the budget, the amount
appropriated, the amount expended during the preceding
month, the amount expended to date for the current fiscal
year and the unexpended balance or deficit of each appropriation.
Under receipts shall be shown the amount estimated
in the budget, the amount collected during the current month,
the amount collected to date and the balance anticipated or
overage based upon the budget estimate. The director of finance
shall furnish a copy of the same to each member of the
city council and the city manager. (Code 1959, § 2-119.)