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Civil Engineering 3. [Newcomb].
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Civil Engineering 3. [Newcomb].

Long Span Bridges.—Lectures on the design and construction of
the more intricate Simple Trusses, Cantilever Bridges, Steel Arches,
Continuous Girders, and Swing Bridges. Each student is required to
work out stress sheets and general drawings for specified types of long
span Bridges.

Water Works and Sewers.—Lectures on the quality, sources, collection,
conveyance, purification and distribution of City Water Supplies;
the laws of flow in pipe lines and aqueducts; the drainage of
houses and streets; the collection and conveyance of sewage; the
disposal of sewage; the construction and maintenance of the works.
Practical exercises in the design of pipe lines and sewers.

Roads, Streets, and Street Railways.—Lectures on the Principles
of Road Location; the Construction and Maintenance of Earth Roads,
Broken Stone Roads, Gravel Roads; the pavements for City Streets
and Sidewalks; the Location and Construction of Street Railways.
Laboratory tests for Road Materials.


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Class  Topics 
Freshman  Mathematics 1. Trigonometry, Higher Algebra, Analytical
Chemistry 1. Inorganic Chemistry. 
Physics 1. Mechanics, Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity,
Chemical Laboratory. 1. Experiments and Computations. 
Physical Laboratory 1. Experiments and Computations. 
Drawing 1. Mechanical, Projection and Machine Drawing,
Shop-work in wood and iron.
Sophomore  Mechanics 1. General Mechanics, Graphical Statics and
Strength of Materials, Hydrostatics and Hydraulics. 
Mathematics 2. Analytical Geometry, Differential and Integral
Civil Engineering 1. Plane Surveying, Curves and Earth
Work, Building Construction.
Drawing 2. Descriptive Geometry, Graphical Statics, Topographical
Junior  Mechanics 2. Strength of Materials, Stability of Structures,
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Motors. 
Geology 1. General Geology, Geological Field-Work, Geological
Civil Engineering 2. Masonry Construction, Short-Span
Bridges, Railway Engineering.
Drawing 3. Structural Drawing, Shades and Shadows,
Senior  Civil Engineering 3. Long-Span Bridges, Water-Works
and Sewers, Roads and Streets. 
Mechanics 3. Analytical Statics, Dynamics of a Particle,
Dynamics of a Rigid Body.
Engineering Electives. 
Graduating Thesis.