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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Bernardus: Dedit nobis animam in precium, sanguinem suum in potum, carnem in cibum, &c.

Also þe Holy Gost i-wysse
All that felle to hym ȝeue hee
Als Poule sais, nothyng amysse,
Iche mon after his degre;
ffor sommon he ȝefe wysdom too,
summon conyng, summon gude faye,
and þe Holy Gost wold doo
To schow hym to monkyn[d] verray.

Ad Chorinthios xiiijo: Alii per spiritum sanctum datur sermo sapiencie, Alii sermo scientie, secundum eundem spiritum, Alteri fides, &c.