A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ||
Now PRIDE doth Churchmen steeple very high
The Crosser's Staffe out shines in majesty
The Golden Mace, and Scepter. Kings lay down
Their Diadem under a miter'd Crown.
To be a Monke, Priest[,] Abbate, Bishop now
A Patriarch, or Cardinall, men vow,
Is here so rich, and glorious a thing
Earles, Dukes, and Princes, with its glory spring.
Hence Clergy men are often arm'd for war
And better Soldiers than Divines by far.
Better in Mars his Camp brandish'd with Steel:
Than with Christs Gospell Sword make Sinners feel.
Their glory better fits the Court, and Camp
Than Pulpit which sets on men's Souls Christs Stamp.
And here an instance take brought in our Way,
Of Clergified Noble of this Day
Otho the Great, that wore th'Imperiall Wreath,
In Germany, had's blood of his did breath
Under Prelatick Glory that it catcht.
William his Son, which his Queen Edith hatcht
(That English Queen) Mentz'es Archbishopricks
Verde's bishop Bruno too his Grandson,) skipt
Colens Archbishop Bruno was his Brother.
Theodorick bishop of Mets, another
Nam'd Almarick of Spires that Bishop was,
(And others more the which we overpass)
Were both his Cousins: and one Otgerus
His Counsilour was Spires great Bishop, thus,
Was Otho's Stock a Stock of Bishops bright.
The second Otho of Imperiall might
Suppli'de the Bishopricks with Courtiers too
For Heldebald his Chancollour up grew
Into the Bishops Throne of Worms. Also
Herbople's Bishoprick did fall unto
Hugo his Counsellour. But on I'l pass
Golfry that Bishop of Argentine was
Had the Fat Emperour Charles his Unkle's Shine
Dukt Reiners brother there thence calld Rich wine
Possesst that Bishoprick, in all its shine
Richard a branch from Englands Kingly line
Was Bishop of Manastvience its said.
Falcher, who Bishop was of Noviomage,
Was Bastard of the Emp'rours Lewis's Cook.
And eate to Death by lice ------ him forsook.
Boso Placentums Bishop we espy
Bastard to Hugh the King of Italy,
Albert that Bishop was of Paris cleare
Was Son of Balwin Prince of Flanders were[.]
Prage's Bishop Albert was King Lubeck's Son
King of the Sclaves. Arnulph to whom did run
Th'Archbishoprick of Remes, was brother to
Lothair the King of France. Also they show
That Mentz Archbishoprick also did trig
To Hatto bright the French Kings royall twig.
And unto Hildebert who was the brother
Of brave Duke Ederhard and of the other
Nam'de Conrade king of Romans. See the glory.
In Wormes's Bishoprick we finde in story
Franco a noble Personage of Hess.
Conrade did Constatice-Bishoprick possess;
He was Earle of Antorffe, and after him
Gebhard Earle of Bregentz was set therein.
Herboples Bishoprick on Bernard came
The Earle of Rotenburgh, a man of fame.
The Crosser's Staffe out shines in majesty
The Golden Mace, and Scepter. Kings lay down
Their Diadem under a miter'd Crown.
To be a Monke, Priest[,] Abbate, Bishop now
A Patriarch, or Cardinall, men vow,
Is here so rich, and glorious a thing
Earles, Dukes, and Princes, with its glory spring.
And better Soldiers than Divines by far.
Better in Mars his Camp brandish'd with Steel:
Than with Christs Gospell Sword make Sinners feel.
Their glory better fits the Court, and Camp
Than Pulpit which sets on men's Souls Christs Stamp.
And here an instance take brought in our Way,
Of Clergified Noble of this Day
Otho the Great, that wore th'Imperiall Wreath,
In Germany, had's blood of his did breath
Under Prelatick Glory that it catcht.
William his Son, which his Queen Edith hatcht
(That English Queen) Mentz'es Archbishopricks
Verde's bishop Bruno too his Grandson,) skipt
Colens Archbishop Bruno was his Brother.
Theodorick bishop of Mets, another
Nam'd Almarick of Spires that Bishop was,
(And others more the which we overpass)
Were both his Cousins: and one Otgerus
His Counsilour was Spires great Bishop, thus,
Was Otho's Stock a Stock of Bishops bright.
The second Otho of Imperiall might
Suppli'de the Bishopricks with Courtiers too
For Heldebald his Chancollour up grew
Into the Bishops Throne of Worms. Also
Herbople's Bishoprick did fall unto
Hugo his Counsellour. But on I'l pass
Golfry that Bishop of Argentine was
Had the Fat Emperour Charles his Unkle's Shine
Dukt Reiners brother there thence calld Rich wine
Possesst that Bishoprick, in all its shine
Richard a branch from Englands Kingly line
Was Bishop of Manastvience its said.
Falcher, who Bishop was of Noviomage,
Was Bastard of the Emp'rours Lewis's Cook.
And eate to Death by lice ------ him forsook.
Boso Placentums Bishop we espy
Bastard to Hugh the King of Italy,
Albert that Bishop was of Paris cleare
Was Son of Balwin Prince of Flanders were[.]
King of the Sclaves. Arnulph to whom did run
Th'Archbishoprick of Remes, was brother to
Lothair the King of France. Also they show
That Mentz Archbishoprick also did trig
To Hatto bright the French Kings royall twig.
And unto Hildebert who was the brother
Of brave Duke Ederhard and of the other
Nam'de Conrade king of Romans. See the glory.
In Wormes's Bishoprick we finde in story
Franco a noble Personage of Hess.
Conrade did Constatice-Bishoprick possess;
He was Earle of Antorffe, and after him
Gebhard Earle of Bregentz was set therein.
Herboples Bishoprick on Bernard came
The Earle of Rotenburgh, a man of fame.
Poppo before him sat here in this Seate
The sisters Son of famous Otho Greate.
Augusta's Bishoprick adornd these men
Adelbert who was Earle of Dillingen.
Then Huldrich a Noble Sweve won't. So
And after him Henry a Son unto
Burchard the Earle of Geisenhusen, and
Then Etticho Earle of Altorse it mand.
I'le go no further in this path: Here see
How Bishopricks like handballs tossed bee
From Prince to Prince, From Earle to Earle and Who
The Chruches Masters, or Church Landlords grow.
What pride is here? How doth the Church thus swell?
Patience lies bleeding[.] Venom beares the Bell.
The sisters Son of famous Otho Greate.
Augusta's Bishoprick adornd these men
Adelbert who was Earle of Dillingen.
Then Huldrich a Noble Sweve won't. So
And after him Henry a Son unto
Burchard the Earle of Geisenhusen, and
Then Etticho Earle of Altorse it mand.
I'le go no further in this path: Here see
How Bishopricks like handballs tossed bee
From Prince to Prince, From Earle to Earle and Who
The Chruches Masters, or Church Landlords grow.
What pride is here? How doth the Church thus swell?
Patience lies bleeding[.] Venom beares the Bell.
A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ||