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Sec. 2-118. Collection of gas and water bills; list of delinquents;
cutting off supply.

The director of finance shall cause all gas and water meters
to be read and shall notify each debtor of the amount of water
and gas bills due by such debtor to the city and that the
amount is due and payable not later than the fifteenth day
after the bill is rendered. He shall supply the superintendent
of public utilities with a list of delinquents and it shall be
the duty of the superintendent to immediately discontinue the
gas or water services of such delinquents as provided in sections
14-7 and 35-5, respectively, but the furnishing of such
list of delinquents, as aforesaid, shall not relieve the director
of finance of the responsibility of the collection of the delinquent
bills. (Code 1959, § 2-118.)