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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Hec Leo papa: Beate trinitatis incommutabilis Deitas vna est in substancia & diuisa in comparacione corporis in voluntate par in potencia equalis in gloria. Diuisit sibi autem opus nostre redempcionis misericordia trinitatis, vt pater propiciaret, spiritus sanctus igniret.

For the Holi Gost God is,
ther I preue he hade gret miȝt
to gif hym-self to vs I-wis,
As wel as fader & son by riȝt.
Saynt Ambros preues wel þis,
the Holi Gost may not by griȝt
fulle god-hede, ellis wer mys
by four skilles, in monnus siȝt.

Ambrosius in libro de spiritu sancto: Deus cognoscitur, aut quia sine peccato est, aut quia condonat, aut


quia creatura non est, aut quia non adorat, sed adoratur.

ffor God is knowen skilfully
ouþer for he is bout syn,
or for he forgifs thurȝe his mercy
synful men that ben þer-in,
oþer ellis for he endeles is,
ne creatur bot creatour,
or for he honourede is
And to non oþer dos honour.
then in this worde spoken her
is shewide hou þe trinite
holly to vs & most der
ȝeue hym-self, as ȝe shyn se,
ffor þe fader al þat he hade
he ȝeue vs, as sais saynt Austyne,
his son, his gost sent vs to glade,
As I reherce in Latyne:

Misit nobis filium suum in pretium nostre redempcionis, spiritum sanctum in preuilegium nostre adopcionis & se ipsum reseruauit in heriditatem adoptacionis.

he says, ‘he send his son adoun
for preciouse price vs to for-bye;
the Holi Gost for enchesoun
Of our dessire, & to distrye
‘The deuel þat wyth bale was bowun
to bynd vs into hys baylie;
and hym-selfe hole, wete ye moun,
ffor our heritage, as rede I.’
Thus dede the fader to begynne;
The son also, as I schal say,
schewyde hym for to scleke oure synne,
Als Bernarde says al to our paye;


‘ffor vs to saue hys lif he lede,
his blode he ȝef vs forto drynke,
hys flesche for mete in fourme of brede,
her was fayr gyfft, as men mon thynke.’