University of Virginia Library

Epigr. 22. Ad Robertum Wiliams.

Who is my friend Williams dost thou enquire?
He that will loue my want and pouertye.
He that will loue through water & through fire,
Through shame, through euery kinde of misery.
Which will not scorse me for a better friend,
Nor for sweet goold the father of all strife.
Which will not hate me though I doe offende,
Nor sell mee for a tale, nor for his wife.
He whom I smooth, and round, & perfect proue,
Tyring out all the euils which molest me,
Making me happy with his constant loue,
Which is the earthly heauen where I rest me:
He which doth loue, nor more nor lesse then this.
He is my friend VVilliams and I am his.