University of Virginia Library




God of the ocean and the shore,
Thy law we love, Thy name adore!
Let the abundance of the sea,
Be, Lord, converted unto Thee!
Through every ship that cleaves the wave,
Proclaim Thy love, Thy power to save;
From tropic seas to either pole,
Loudly let Heaven's sweet anthem roll!
Speak, Lord, and o'er the stormy flood,
Thy name shall swell, Thy peace shall brood,
Thy praise shall ring from every voice,
And distant climes in Thee rejoice!
Then land and sea, then flood and shore,
Through man redeemed, shall bless Thy power;
And earth and sea and heaven shall own
Salvation's glorious triumph won!



Go, heralds of Salvation, forth;
Go, in your heavenly Master's name,
From east to west, from south to north,
The glorious Gospel, wide proclaim!
Go, bid the thirsty desert bloom;
Go, bid the weary spirit rest;
Go, seek the wanderers through the gloom,
And guide them to the Saviour's breast!
Go forth, to sow the living seed;
Seek not earth's praise, nor dread its frown;
Nor labors fear, nor trials heed;
Win jewels for Immanuel's crown!
Lo! I am with you, saith the Lord;
My grace your spirit shall sustain;
Strong is My arm, and sure My word;
My servants shall not toil in vain.
Go forth in hope; My burden take,
Till God's great reaping-day shall come;
Then, they who sowed in tears shall wake,
And hail the joyful harvest home!



Onward speed thy conquering flight,
Angel, onward speed!
Cast abroad thy radiant light,
Bid the shades recede;
Tread the idols in the dust;
Heathen fanes destroy;
Spread the Gospel's holy trust,—
Spread the Gospel's joy!
Onward speed thy conquering flight;
Angel, onward haste!
Quickly on each mountain's height
Be thy standard placed;
Let thy blissful tidings float
Far o'er vale and hill,
Till the sweetly echoing note
Every bosom thrill!
Onward speed thy conquering flight,
Angel, onward fly!
Long has been the reign of night,
Bring the morning nigh;
'T is to thee the heathen lift
Their imploring wail;
Bear them Heaven's holy gift,
Ere their courage fail!
Onward speed thy conquering flight,
Angel, onward speed!


Morning bursts upon our sight,—
'T is the time decreed.
Jesus now His kingdom takes,—
Thrones and empires fall;
And the joyous song awakes,
“God is all in all!”


Go with Thy servant, mighty Lord!
Attend his work with power divine;
Gird him with strength to preach Thy word,
And round him make Thy glory shine!
Before his face prepare the way,
And put the idol gods to shame;
Touch with Thy fire the lips of clay,
And magnify Thy saving name!
Bid, where he treads, the desert bloom;
Guide with Thy hand his unknown way;
Scatter the clouds of grief and gloom,
And change the darkness into day!
Triumphant Prince, gird on Thy sword;
Tread all the powers of darkness down;
Almighty, re-ascended Lord,
Assert Thy power, and wear Thy crown!



Before each of the first three verses, the following recitative is rendered.

“And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’”

Response by Some Destined to Foreign Lands.
From dear New England's happy shore,
Where all our kindred dwell,
We hasten, to return no more,—
Our native land, farewell!
Response by Others Destined to Domestic Missions.
And we, where seldom on the ear
Salvation's tidings swell,
Go forth, to dry the mourner's tear,—
Our pleasant home, farewell!
Response by Others Destined to Home-Service.
Where all our earthly friendships blend,
Bound by affection's spell,
We, in God's work, our lives will spend,—
Brothers, a short farewell!
All, in Unison.
From these dear cherished scenes we go,
The home of praise and prayer,
To meet earth's gladness, or earth's woe,
For Christ, to do and bear.


Farewell, beloved, who shared our joy,
In whose fond hearts we dwell;
A noble work shall now employ
All that we are—farewell.
Brethren, we press the parting hand,
Our songs of parting tell;
Then, till we reach Heaven's holy land,
A sweet, but brief, farewell!

Anniversary, Andover Theological Seminary, September, 1832.


Yes, my native land, I love thee;
All thy scenes, I love them well;
Friends, connections, happy country,
Can I bid you all farewell?
Can I leave you,
Far in heathen lands to dwell?
Home, thy joys are passing lovely,
Joys no stranger heart can tell;
Happy home, indeed I love thee,
Can I, can I say, “Farewell”?
Can I leave thee,
Far in heathen lands to dwell?
Scenes of sacred peace and pleasure,
Holy days, and Sabbath bell,
Richest, brightest, sweetest treasure,
Can I say a last farewell?
Can I leave you,
Far in heathen lands to dwell?


Yes, I hasten from you gladly,—
From the scenes I loved so well;
Far away, ye billows, bear me.
Lovely, native land, farewell;
Pleased I leave thee,
Far in heathen lands to dwell.
In the deserts let me labor;
On the mountains let me tell
How He died—the blessed Saviour—
To redeem a world from hell;
Let me hasten,
Far in heathen lands to dwell.
Bear me on, thou restless ocean;
Let the winds my canvas swell;
Heaves my heart with warm emotion,
While I go far hence to dwell.
Glad, I bid thee,
Native land, farewell! farewell!



Light o'er the hills! Light o'er the hills
The promised morning wakes;
The day foretold by seers of old
In wondrous glory breaks.
They come! The Saviour's voice they hear,
And, glad, His call obey,
Chosen in Christ, His name to wear,
A nation in a day.


Ride on! ride on, victorious Prince!
Ride on, triumphant King!
From land and sea, from earth and heaven,
Thy myriad trophies bring.
So gather all the tribes of earth,
To hear and heed Thy call,
Till man, submissive, at Thy feet,
Shall crown Thee, Lord of all!



Thy kingdom come, immortal King!
Thy right maintain, Thy power display;
Earth's myriads to Thy footstool bring;
Make all the nations own Thy sway!
Come, with the eagle's daring flight,
Conquer the hosts of death and sin;
Flood the whole globe with holy light,
O kingdom of our God, come in!
Come as the swelling tides that break
In mighty waves on every strand;
Kingdom of God, in triumph wake
O'er every sea, o'er every land!
We wait Thy breath, immortal Dove!
Speak to earth's woes Thy healing word;
Come, wafted on the wings of love,
Make all the nations own Thee, Lord!


Thy kingdom come!—rise, Saviour, rise!
Assume Thy power, ascend Thy throne,
Till universal Nature cries,
“Strike the glad hour,—the work is done!”


Earth waits Thy advent, Prince of Peace,—
Oh, come, with power divine!
O'er every sea, o'er every land,
Bid the blest Gospel shine!
Like myriad drops of morning dew—
Each drop, a sparkling gem—
Transfuse with light unnumbered souls,
To grace Thy diadem.
Before Thy throne, triumphant Lord,
Let willing captives bend,
And men of every name and tongue,
Their hallelujahs blend.
Then shall the Great High Priest, this globe,
A fragrant censer, swing,
And praise, from every smoking pore,
Like incense sweet shall spring.
From hill to echoing hill, the shout
Of victory shall resound,—
While hosts to answering hosts proclaim
The Lord, with glory crowned.



O. S. C.

The ship floats bravely on the sea,
The perfumed breezes play,
And many a fervent prayer is breathed
To speed her on her way.
She bears the merchant's golden wealth
To Asia's burning shore;
She bears a dearer burden far,
That comes to us no more.
She bears the friends we long have loved,
The friends we long have known;
“Farewell,”—perhaps no more to meet,
Till life's bright hours have flown.
Yet, ye will find, beyond the waves,
Some noble Christian bands,—
Heroes, with pure and loving hearts,
And wise and faithful hands.
We meet again,—no farewell tear,
In heaven, is ever shed;
We meet again,—no farewell prayer,
In heaven, is ever said.
We meet where all is joy and peace,
Where throbs no thrill of pain;
We meet in heaven, where all is bliss,
And never part again.




Sung at the return of Mrs. Harriet Carpenter from her mission-field in Japan.

When the scarred hero from the field
Of mortal strife retires to rest,
Glad greetings from a grateful throng,
With heart and voice, pronounce him blest.
So thee, O Christian warrior, now
Our souls with a high welcome greet;
And thou shalt all thy trophies lay,
Tribute of love, at Jesus's feet.
Welcome the Christian heart, which throbs
With loving purpose, strong and brave,
Burning to see the Lord enthroned,
The strayed to seek, the lost to save.
Triumphant Prince, Thy power display,
Till all mankind shall heed Thy call,
And earth, redeemed, with glad accord,
Shall crown Thee, King and Lord of all.
September, 1893.




Written for Mrs. M. B. Ingalls, of Thongze, Burmah, and sung at her “Burmah Curio Exposition,” held in Boston.

Haste to the conquest of the world,
O King with glory crowned!
Gather Thy trophies far and wide,
Wherever man is found.
Ride in swift triumph o'er the earth;
Lift up Thy sceptred hand;
Thine is the kingdom, Thine the right,—
Ride forth, o'er sea and land.
Then round the conquered world Thy praise
In waves on waves shall ring,
And shore to shore, and sea to sea,
In answering chorus sing.
Adoring thousands at Thy feet,
In faith and love, shall fall;
And countless souls, redeemed from sin,
Shall call Thee Lord of all.
Then he that sowed in patient hope,
Through all the weary years,
Shall find, at last, abundant sheaves,
And joy, for toil and tears.




At the Anniversary of the Missionary Union in Albany, New York, in 1868, it was proposed by some to abandon what was called the “Lone Star” mission in Nellore, India. Dr. Smith, then the guest of Judge Harris, being asked his opinion, in the evening, quietly replied, “You have it here,” handing him the following verses. The poem was read to the audience the next morning, without consulting the author, who happened not to be present. Some wept, some sobbed; and the mission was saved. That mission, soon afterwards developed into the largest band of communicants, under one charge, in the world. The poem entitled Faith's Victory records the fulfilment of the prophetic words of the “Lone Star” poem. At a subsequent visit of the poet and his wife to that mission they were hailed with a joyous welcome. Each planted a palm-tree still respectively called by the native Christians, “Dr. Smith” and “Mrs. Smith.”

Shine on, “Lone Star!” Thy radiance bright
Shall spread o'er all the eastern sky;
Morn breaks apace from gloom and night,—
Shine on, and bless the pilgrim's eye.
Shine on, “Lone Star!” I would not dim
The light that gleams with dubious ray;
The lonely star of Bethlehem
Led on a bright and glorious day.
Shine on, “Lone Star!” In grief and tears,
And sad reverses, oft baptized;
Shine on amid thy sister spheres:
Lone stars in heaven are not despised.
Shine on, “Lone Star!” Who lifts his hand
To dash to earth so bright a gem,
A new lost “Pleiad” from the band
That sparkles in night's diadem?


Shine on, “Lone Star!” The day draws near
When none shall shine more fair than thou;
Thou, born and nursed in doubt and fear,
Wilt glitter on Immanuel's brow.
Shine on, “Lone Star,” till earth, redeemed,
In dust shall bid its idols fall,
And thousands, where thy radiance beamed,
Shall crown the Saviour Lord of all.


Weary and wan, his furrows long,
The patient ploughman trod,
Turning, with endless care and pains,
The sluggish, barren sod;
And morning came, and daylight went,
And strength and hope were gone,
The tearful eyes grew dim,—and still
The wearying toil went on.
Smitten beneath the burning sun,
The fainting workman cries,
“Master, how long this iron earth?
How long these brazen skies?”
“Ploughman, toil on in loving trust;
Yield thee to My sweet will.
Faith wins its victories; weary soul,
Believe, and labor still.”


And tears and love and faith prepared
The deeply furrowed field,
To hide and keep the precious grain,—
Seed of a bounteous yield;
And dew and rain and sunny skies
Enriched each seed that fell,
Lost to the eye of man, but God
Knew how to guard it well.
Oh, long and sad the sower's care,
As seasons went and came!
And God forgot the toiler's lot,
And put his hope to shame.
“Vain work,” a timid faith proclaimed;
“Poor toilers, faint and few!
Bury and hide your useless seed;
Bury the sowers, too.”
But God's great mystery of grace
Its mighty pathway holds,
And, like the budding rose of June,
In beauteous life unfolds.
The bursting germ, the verdant leaf,
Break forth from hidden graves;
And far o'er all the swelling hills,
The joyful harvest waves.
Whence are these myriad forms that bow
Before Messiah's throne?
Whence the grand chorus that uplifts
Thy name, O Christ, alone?
Whence are the clustering clouds that seek
The same celestial goal?
And one new song holds every lip,
One pulse-beat, every soul.


These are the ploughman's garnered wealth,
Born of his toil and pain;
These are the sower's faith and tears,
Transformed to golden grain.
God watched the toilers at their work;
And, when His wisdom willed,
The pledge His loving heart had made,
His loving hand fulfilled.
Then hail, Lone Star! of all the wreath,
Thou art the brighest gem,
As once, o'er fair Judea's plains,
The Star of Bethlehem.
Shine on! We learn to pray and wait,
To toil and trust, through thee,—
A star of triumph on Christ's brow,
And faith's high victory.


O blessed word of God, thy living ray
Turns shade to sunshine, light to heavenly day;
Dispels earth's sorrow, calms the troubled breast,
And guides the pilgrim to the endless rest;
Explains life's mystery, and shines through woe,
As threatening clouds with sunset radiance glow;
Breaks with its joy earth's wintry gloom and night,
And turns its sable robes to bridal white.
Go forth, great word of God, thy force display;
Convert the world,—a nation in a day.
Teach China's millions, saved, on God to call,
And crown the living Saviour, Lord of all.


Light from God's truth gilds all thy isles, Japan,
Light, born in heaven, for universal man;
And flashing oars on all the crystal flood
Gleam with the radiance of the word of God.
Rise with thy light, and pour thy healing beam
On all the hills, by every winding stream,
Where the proud Burmans to their idols bow,
Hearing, with hardened neck, and lofty brow,
When men of holy heart and loving speech,
Man's only hope, in earnest accents, preach;
In India's myriad tongues let God's blest words
Proclaim the glory of the Lord of lords;
And all its tribes, in heaven's new song, proclaim
The love and power of Christ's own saving name.
In Afric's central heart new triumphs win;
And bid the Congo, found at last, begin
To seek new hope; to learn, on bended knee,
New lore of truth, and Heaven's blest mystery.
While haughty Moslem sees the crescent pale
Before the cross, whose empire ne'er shall fail,
But make its broad domains through love extend,
One reign o'er all the earth, one kingdom without end.


O thou whose voice the tempest stilled,
And made the wild waves calm,
Whose hand, with gentle touch, had power
To heal, like Gilead's balm,—
Speak to the storm-tossed sons of earth,
And draw their hearts to Thee;
And let Thy healing touch redeem
The wanderers of the sea.


Renew Thy miracle of love,—
Thyself, “The living Bread;”
Arise and let the fainting throngs,
On ship and shore, be fed.
Ride forth in glory,—land and wave
Thy mandate shall obey,
And all the peopled earth, redeemed,
Shall own Thy rightful sway.


Swiftly the years roll on; so swiftly comes
The day when every nation unto God
Shall swell Salvation's song. From the far South
The scented breezes bring a welcome voice
Upon their wings,—the voice of many tongues,
Asking of Christ and heaven. The western fields,
Far stretching towards the setting sun, send back,
From all the busy hum of gathering tribes,
The call for men of God. The frozen North,
With her sparse nations, and the swarming East,
Have heard that Christ for man was lifted up.
The story, simply told on some stray leaf,
That came, they know not whence, wakens a thrill
Of deep responsive feeling. There's a chord
That answers in the human breast to all
The word of God declares. As for the light
The eye is formed, and for the eye the light,—
So for the heart of man the words of life;
And for those words the human heart was made.


They send their soothing cry o'er ocean's waste;
The voice is heard above the roaring storm
Of earth's wild bustle. Many a stolid ear
Erects itself to hear; and many a heart
Cries in its fervor,—“I will go and tell
The dark idolater the way to God.”
O ye of little faith, 't is but a day,
And sin will vanish! All earth's withering woes
Will pass away; the Gospel's blessed words,
Borne by its ministers to every land,
Will heal them all. God will be glorified
In human blessedness; and, morn and eve,
The ransomed tribes shall send up to the throne,
From all earth's surface, hallelujahs, sweet,
And loud as many waters. Heaven itself
Will seem descended; earth will seem a heaven.
Come, O Thou Lamb of God, hasten Thy work;
Cut short the reign of sin; and if not here,
Oh, soon from our bright thrones above the sky,
Let us but catch the strain from all who dwell
Upon the earth—JEHOVAH REIGNS!




[Music: “The Cross and Victory.”]


Written for the hymn, and dedicated to Societies of Christian Endeavor.

Arouse ye, arouse ye, O servants of God!
His right arm, your strength, and your leader, His rod.
Oh, haste from the north, from the south, to His call;
His cause shall prevail,—He shall reign over all!
Farewell to your dreaming; no longer delay;
Go tell the glad tidings! God's hand points the way.
Go forward! go forward! to conquer or die;
God will make sure the victory.
Haste and bear the banner forth,
East and west, and south and north;
Haste to lift the cross on high,
The pledge of victory.
Haste and bear the banner forth,
East and west, and south and north;
Haste to lift the cross on high,
The pledge of victory,—
The cross, and victory!
The morning has broken, the noonday is near;
Go forward with courage, nor doubt ye, nor fear.
Rely on His promise, His oath, and His word;
His Spirit your helper, His Gospel, your sword.
The Prince of Salvation is winning His way,—
Bring crowns for His brow,—joy, joy, for the day!
Go forward! go forward, to conquer or die;
God will make sure the victory.